On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 8:03 AM, Michael Weitnauer <weitnauer@irt.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into the same issue when I started using multichannel audio for a
> different purpose (https://github.com/IRT-Open-Source/bogJS). As I found
> out, the situation is even worse as you can absolutely not rely on
> consistent behavior of the same browser on different platforms, especially
> in the case of Firefox which uses the system decoders as far as I know. But
> I agree, even the different channel orders between the major browsers are a
> real pain.
The plan for Firefox is to always remap to SMTPE order regardless of how
the file was decoded. We are actively working on this, so it might not be
available on release.
I agree it is necessary to spec this. What would be an appropriate venue
for this ?