[agenda] Audio WG teleconference Thurs 14 January 2016 12 Noon EDT

Hi Group,

Our first call of 2016 will be Thurs 14 January 2016 12 Noon EDT.

We have had quite a break since our last meeting so will spend some time reviewing the current state of issues and what we need to focus on going forward this year.

- Review of uncommitted and new issues
- Review of pull requests
- Current status of Audio Worker
- Date of next meeting

Telcon details can be found at the URL below. They do not change from week to week, so please bookmark this link!



Matt & Joe

Matthew Paradis
Senior Software Engineer (Audio),
BBC Research & Development
030304 09889 | matthew.paradis@bbc.co.uk | www.bbc.co.uk/rd/sound

Received on Monday, 11 January 2016 14:44:07 UTC