Updates on ACTION-125: Draft new charter

Hi folks

I copied the current charter to a new location and started making updates:

- added DRAFT, for clarity
- updated to new Process Document, with updated links
- updated to new Process verbiage about voting etc
- split Web Audio deliverable into a v.1 and v.2
- updated due dates to be in the future :)
- changed names and links for some Working Groups (like WAI PF -> WAI APA)
- updated some text  so Web Audio is referred to as an existing thing, 
rather than a future thing
- added a brief mention of Web Audio success, near the start
- updated copyright statement to current one
- updated any broken or misplaced links that I noticed


So, it is a start for discussion.

The wording in the scope section should be reviewed and updated.

The descriptions of the two main deliverables could stand some updating, 

The liaisons with other groups should be reviewed, any new ones added, 
any existing ones where we don't liaise removed. (I removed Voice WG, as 
it has closed).

The discussions on what to do about Audio output selection will affect 
this charter, once we have decided.

Chris Lilley
Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 22:14:22 UTC