[Agenda] Teleconference Thurs 24 Sept 2015 12 noon EDT


Our next telcon will take place Thurs 24 Sept 2015 12 noon EDT on our
regular WebEx.

Matt and I are still formalizing the agenda but the list will at least
include the following:

- Issue #523 Audio worker proposal update from Paul and discussion
- Review of progress on issue resolution
- Uncommitted issue review: there are a few things needing discussion here
- Any other business

I've put the AudioWorker item first because TPAC is rapidly approaching,
but we don't appear to be further along, nor has there been any recent
update on the status of the spec in this area. If there is one thing that
audio developers are hoping we will accomplish soon, it is to make progress
on AudioWorker.

.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

*Joe Berkovitz*

*Noteflight LLC*
49R Day Street / Somerville, MA 02144 / USA
phone: +1 978 314 6271
"Your music, everywhere"

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:32:12 UTC