[minutes] Minutes of Audio WG Teleconference, 2015-03-19

Hello group,

The minutes of today's teleconference have been posted at:


Here's a summary of what was discussed:

1. Date of next meeting: WEDNESDAY April 1, 2015 at 12.00 EDT (16:00 UTC).
Note the date change! I'll be sending out a separate email about this

2. Raymond Toy of Google will be replacing Chris Wilson of Google as spec
co-editor alongside Paul Adenot. Chris W's time is spread thinly enough
lately that he felt it would be best to relinquish the editor role, but he
will remain on the WG.

3. AudioWorker progress discussion: Chris W. has committed to have a
complete draft of his proposal with code samples, by the date of our next
telcon April 1, 2015. That telcon will be devoted to a walkthrough by Chris
and Joe of their respective AudioWorker proposals, with the aim of
surfacing all the issues and closing in on a workable solution quickly.

4. Issue 323: filter design: Raymond will be drafting a spec change to
include support for a general-purpose IIR node. Because it can include an
arbitrary number of coefficients, these will not be surfaced as AudioParams.

5. Output device enumerations.  Bill will email his previous thinking on
this to Joe, who will try to craft a strawman proposal and re-engage with
the User Media taskforce.

6. Discussion and general kudos to Microsoft for announcing Web Audio
support in the latest IE technical preview.


.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

*Joe Berkovitz*

*Noteflight LLC*
Boston, Mass.
phone: +1 978 314 6271
"Your music, everywhere"

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 21:28:49 UTC