Re: [agenda] Audio WG teleconference, 2015-03-19

actually, I probably will be able to join in-progress.

On Mar 18, 2015 6:54 PM, "Chris Wilson" <> wrote:
> I'm afraid that I will have to offer my likely regrets.  I had a medical
appointment get pushed to tomorrow morning; I may finish up early enough to
join in progress, but no guarantees.
> You can see my current thinking on AudioWorkers (with a factory-only
model, and the ability to initialize AudioParams from the main thread or
the worker script) at
Unfortunately, I have NOT had time to rewrite the sample code snippets in
this yet, so it may be challenging to follow - and there are a couple of
other TODOs scattered in there.
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Matthew Paradis <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Our next teleconference will be Thursday 19th March 2015 at Noon Boston
>> Logistics and info about the meeting are, as usual:
>> The minutes of our last meeting are at:
>> Agenda for this call shall be:
>> * Date of next meeting
>> * Audio Worker Factory Proposal
>> * Issue 323 - setting the actual coefficients of the biquad filter
(requested by rtoy)
>> * output devices are enumeration (requested by Bill H)
>> * AOB
>> A scribe will be chosen at random from the call participants.
>> Best
>> Matt
>> --
>> Matthew Paradis
>> Senior Software Engineer (Audio),
>> BBC Research & Development
>> 030304 09889 | |

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 14:10:20 UTC