Re: Market Development for "Web MIDI"

I think we need to distinguish very clearly between logos administered 
by the MMA (for use on hardware) and those administered by the W3C (for 
use on web sites).

Hardware (MMA):
The Web MIDI API has been developed to be a subset of the complete MIDI 
spec, so all hardware that can display the MMA's current logos is "ready 
for the web" or "conformant with the Web MIDI API". I see no reason to 
stop manufacturers emphasising the fact if they want to, but don't see 
the need for a special MMA logo for that.
On the other hand, Tom's original question seems to mean that devices 
are being developed that *only* support the Web MIDI API, and that there 
is a need for an MMA logo that says that. (Such devices might be cheaper 
to develop.)
The only objection that I can see, from the W3C's point of view, might 
be that  the Web MIDI API may develop in future, to contain features not 
covered by existing hardware. Is the Web MIDI API currently cast in stone?

The web (W3C):
I think the Web MIDI App logo should be administered by the W3C, and 
have terms and conditions very similar to those of the HTML5 logo:
So I've added (#1b, #2b, and #3b) to my suggestions file:
These logos use the HTML5 background colour, and just use a public 
domain font, so the W3C would not need to ask the MMA for permission to 
use them.
I've kept the dimensions identical to those of the earlier sketches, so 
it would be very easy to replace the word 'MIDI' by the MMA's symbol, if 
they agreed.
I'm not at all sure that the MMA would want to grant permission, given 
the HTML5 logo's terms and conditions, but maybe agreement could be 
reached somehow... That's something for the lawyers.
As always, these sketches are meant to be the basis for discussion. The 
final logos should be made legible at all sizes: The contours should be 
sharper, and I could have used a different font.


Received on Sunday, 19 April 2015 12:48:46 UTC