[minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 2014-09-18

Dear all,

Please find below the minutes of our teleconference on 2014-09-18:

1. new co-chairs

A repeat of the recent mailing-list announcement that our group had just been rechartered, with two new co-chairs appointed. I will help through the transition until around the time of TPAC.

2. Review of action items

Not much to report there. Re-scheduling a few due dates. 

3. progress on AudioWorkers

Ongoing. Joe suggested two issues were still unresolved: one relates to the extent to which an audioworkernode can fully implement the behaviour of a native node; the other (see https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/69) is related to OfflineAudioContext. Due to the absence of the spec editors we did not make much progress but agreed to have this on the high-priority agenda for next call.

4. TPAC reminder + joint meetings

A reminder to either finish all travel arrangements for TPAC soon (early bird rates ending soon, and hotel can be a pain if dealt with at last minute). We also discussed the possibility of joint meetings with other groups, or specific sessions with their members. WebRTC and DeviceAPIs (especially re- getusermedia) identified, and since neither group is meeting on Mon/Tue at TPAC, we will reach out and see if we can invite key participants of those groups to discuss.

5. Welcome Bill

Dolby Labs recently joined the group. Bill Hofmann introduced himself - will be at TPAC.

6. AOB

Doug suggested we renew our effort to have a more regular group schedule - it has been erratic in the recent past, especially with Summer. Maybe not a weekly teleconference but a weekly catchup of sort?

We also discussed the rather out of date home page (http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/) for the group, and resolved to replace it with the group's Wiki homepage (https://www.w3.org/2011/audio/wiki/Main_Page). Doug will look into that, starting by migrating content over. The end result will probably redirect from /audio

7. Next meeting

Tentative:  2nd october


Received on Friday, 19 September 2014 07:18:57 UTC