Re: De-zippering

Chris (Rogers)' reasoning behind implementing this way to begin with was
that most users simply don't know about this at all.

My personal feeling on this is that there are some scenarios that
automatically applying dezippering on makes sense, and some it does not.
 For example, it would make sense to dezipper volume control; however, it
does not make sense to dezipper frequency control.  This leads me to think
that it might be good to apply to gain.gain.value, but not to
oscillator.frequency.value, for example.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Marcus Geelnard <> wrote:

> 2013-11-07 12:23, Chris Lowis skrev:
>  Hi!
>> There's a task for me to look into how "dezippering" is performed in
>> Webkit and to explain how and why we do it.
>> I've put together a quick demo to show the effect of dezippering
>> And made some notes on how it is implemented on this ticket:
>> I think it's open for debate whether we clarify dezippering (I think
>> I'd prefer to use the term "parameter smoothing") in the spec, and all
>> of the parameters to which it applies by default, or whether we move
>> to remove mention of it altogether and perhaps add an advisory note
>> about preventing glitches by using exponentialRampToValueAtTime() for
>> example.
>> For that reason, I haven't prepared a PR. Perhaps we can discuss it
>> here first and I can prepare one later.
> In general I prefer not to have too much magic going on behind the scenes.
> The automatic smoothing (dezippering) in Web Audio reminds me of when
> progress bar smoothing logic was added to Windows Vista. In an attempt to
> create a more pleasant experience for the user, the new implementation left
> developers unable to control the progress bar the way they wanted to [1]
> (e.g. reaching 100% progress was almost impossible without fooling the API
> by utilizing known quirks in the underlying progress bar smoothing
> implementation).
> Let's not repeat that mistake. Unless there are strong use cases for
> automatic parameter smoothing that can not be handled using explicit
> interfaces, I'd prefer dropping it in favor of explicit interfaces.
> /Marcus
> [1]
> make-tprogressbar-stop-lagging
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
> --
> Marcus Geelnard
> Technical Lead, Mobile Infrastructure
> Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:23:32 UTC