Re: DSP API experimental implementation


Good news (and happy new year!),

I now have everything in the DSP API covered in my (native) prototype
implementation for node. There are some non-conforming border-cases
(throwing in the wrong place, or not throwing when it should), but fixing
them and general cleaning up is next on my list.

I also have a test suite encompassing over 2k lines of code, but
unfortunately even as such it doesn't cover all of the API, but it does
cover most of the DSP interface. That also means that anything not covered
by the tests is likely to contain bugs. As soon as I have more of the API
covered by the tests, I will rip out the test suite and put in a repo under
WebAudio on GH and make it browser-compatible as well. That means we'll
have a quite good test coverage of the spec soon-ish, I hope.

The package is also available on npm ( npm install dsp ).


Received on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 14:14:25 UTC