Re: Question about channels and merger on destination

Although the thing you mentioned, adding gain modules, would likely get
that construction to work:

I would be adding a lot of overhead nodes just for one module, but for the
time being (until jsnodes supply multiple inputs and outputs) i might stick
to this workaround.

Unless someone else has better suggestions ofcourse :)


2012/7/23 Peter van der Noord <>

> No! Hmmm, that makes my plan impossible then i guess. For the time being,
> I had created a system where custom modules with more inputs or outputs
> would get wrapped into a construction like this...
> i would have access to those in/outs through the channels of the
> (js) audionode, but if the merger and splitters behave like that i don't
> think that's possible.
> Peter
>> it's the merger that does this. In your code, the merger has 2 inputs,
>> but the number of output channels is the sum of the number of channels of
>> the -- active -- inputs of the merger. input here means "connected to some
>> source node", and it's consistent, since there is no way to know how many
>> channels the input N has until some other node that provides an audio
>> stream gets connected to it…
>> So, until you don't connect some other node to the second input (input
>> 1), the output will remain mono, as long as your source node for the input
>> 0 is mono.
>> To summarize, for a merger with 2 channels, the input/output
>> configurations are:
>> Input0          Input1          Output
>> Mono       -            Mono
>> Mono    Mono    Stereo
>> Stereo     -            Stereo
>> Stereo  Mono    3 channels
>> Stereo  Stereo  4 channels
>> and so on… (and I sincerely hope this is correct)
>> >

Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 09:37:30 UTC