Re: Web Workers

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Jussi Kalliokoski <> wrote:

> Is postMessaging your samples to a Worker for playback a problem for
>> either of those cases?
> Prety much yeah, that would make the suboptimal case even more so. It
> would be overtly difficult to get it reliable, even more so than with Audio
> Data API. To keep track of buffer underflows, you'd have to poll the worker
> for status, asynchronously, then hope the message containing the audio
> buffer got there in time, and/or invent your own timer system for the
> callbacks to fill the buffers (quite CPU-intensive, I can tell, and for
> both of these cases CPU cycles are quite valuable), and to keep it working
> in background tabs, you'd have to resort to means similar I'm using for the
> Audio Data API in sink.js (a Blob URI generated worker sends the timer
> beacon, not nice to waste a worker context on a simple timer, although it
> can be cramped up in the same timer as the worker processor).

s/timer as the worker/worker as the stream/

> In summary, not a good idea.
> Cheers,
> Jussi

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2012 11:30:43 UTC