RE: MIDI enumeration (was: Re: getUserMedia use cases)

Okay, thanks!
- TW


From: Chris Wilson [] 

Oh, I had been.  The Windows APIs have a bit more to them in some cases
(like enumeration), which is why I was poking at if those bits were
interesting in use or not...

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Tom White (MMA) <> wrote: 

>> Note I'm borrowing these concepts from the Windows MIDI API, e.g.
px. <<
No offense intended to Microsoft, but when it comes to MIDI support, Apple
is generally considered (by those who know) to be a better example of "how
it should be done"... which is not to say there is anything specifically
wrong with these Microsoft concepts, only that it's a little weird to think
of them as exemplary <g>. I would simply suggest looking at Apple's API,
Tom White

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 21:51:48 UTC