Re: Teleconferences calendar this summer


On 8 Jun 2012, at 13:51, olivier Thereaux wrote:
> As a compromise, I would like to propose that during the summer months, we try holding a longer teleconference once a month, instead of the 1-h call every week. Such a frequency may be particularly suitable to the summer months, where activity tends to slow down a little anyway.
> In more detais:
> * The call would last up to 2 hours

I have received private feedback agreeing that the monthly calls could last more than 1h, but stating a preference for 90 minutes. Ack'd.

> * Proposed dates: 13th June, 11 July, 22 August

Note that it means we are having a call this week. Agenda to be sent later today.

> Any objection to such a trial?


Received on Monday, 11 June 2012 15:10:54 UTC