Re: AudioDestinationNode > 2 channels?

Hi Robert,

Sorry that my reply is so late, but I've just returned from vacation and am
just now catching up on my email...

It's good to hear from you.  I'm really looking forward to checking out
your DJ application when you have something ready to show.  It's
interesting to see that you're looking into support for a separate
headphone cueing bus.  I can see that you're ready to make a *real* DJ app!

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Robert Clouth <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Firstly, great work with the Web Audio API. It's opened up so many
> exciting new avenues! I'm currently working on a WebKit-based DJ app which
> depends on being able to send more than two channels of the audio hardware,
> so you can play one track while listening to another. Is this possible with
> the AudioDestinationNode interface? I noticed there's 5.1 functionality so
> presumably it's possible but I can't seem to figure out how. There doesn't
> seem to be any examples on the web. Any help would much appreciated!

Gabriel is right in suggesting that the AudioChannelMerger could be used
for this.  In this case, you would feed two stereo inputs into the merger
and get a four-channel output.  But the multi-channel implementation is
currently incomplete, so it's not *yet* possible to try this right now.
 I'm planning on working on this after I finish the
MediaElementAudioSourceNode (for streaming application with <audio>).  I
hope we can keep in touch about progress on this, and that you're able to
get to work on other aspects of your application in the meantime.


> Cheers,
> Rob

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 01:04:02 UTC