Re: Don't manage to modulate the playbackRate of a BufferSourceNode with an AudioNode

Ah yes! I remember a discussion on this issue before. There was something
tricky about getting a "DC" signal out of an AudioNode. I keep thinking it
was Soledad who was talking about it. Don't quite remember what why it was
behaving this way.

The other option is look at what Yotam is doing with Tone.js. He has an
entire 'signalling' system based on such "DC" signals.

I believe he generates by passing an osc through a wave shaper.


On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 6:11 PM, s p <> wrote:

> var context = new AudioContext()
>         , phasorNode = context.createBufferSource()
>         , frequencyNode = context.createBufferSource()
>         , bufferFrequency = context.createBuffer(1, context.sampleRate,
> context.sampleRate)
>         , arrayFrequency = bufferFrequency.getChannelData(0)
>         , bufferRamp = context.createBuffer(1, context.sampleRate,
> context.sampleRate)
>         , arrayRamp = bufferRamp.getChannelData(0)
>         , acc = 0, step = 1 / context.sampleRate, i
>       for (i = 0; i < arrayRamp.length; i++) {
>         arrayRamp[i] = (acc % 1)
>         acc += step
>       }
>       for (i = 0; i < arrayFrequency.length; i++) {
>         arrayFrequency[i] = 200
>       }
>       phasorNode.buffer = bufferRamp
>       phasorNode.connect(context.destination)
>       phasorNode.loop = true
>       phasorNode.start(0)
>       frequencyNode.buffer = bufferFrequency
>       frequencyNode.connect(phasorNode.playbackRate)
>       frequencyNode.loop = true
>       frequencyNode.start(0)

Received on Sunday, 29 March 2015 13:17:54 UTC