Assistant Performer

Hi All,

I've just uploaded a new version of my Assistant Performer Web MIDI 
This uses the Jazz plug-in, and will continue to do so until browsers 
begin to support the Web MIDI API [1] natively.

The application itself can be tried out at [2].
The GitHub repository is at [3]

I've separated out the code I think may be re-usable into a separate 
folder (midiLib), but am not entirely sure if anyone else will find my 
version of the Message, Moment, Track and Sequence objects useful.
The midiLib library also contains my version of the glue code between 
the Jazz plug-in and the Web MIDI API, (as it was on 17th Feb 2013). I 
decided it would be better not to keep chasing the Web MIDI API, but to 
update my code once it stabilizes. The Web MIDI API is only changing 
minimaly, so that should not be very difficult.

While writing this code, I made the following notes. Are either of these 
"issues" which should be raised on [4]?

1. Should/Do Ports support opening and closing? (I think Jazz 1.2 is 
doing this automatically). I'm afraid I don't understand how this is 
supposed to work in the Web MIDI API.

2. The current spec says (section 7.3.1):
    "Running status is not allowed in the data, as underlying systems 
may not support it."
But some systems MAY support it, so why do we have to rule it out? Do 
some MIDI devices fail to ignore these events if they can't understand them?

all the best,



Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 19:03:24 UTC