RE: {Minutes} Audio Description Community Group call 2019-06-10

Thank you, Nigel.

Issue can be found here:

If meetings could all be this efficient! Dare to dream.

Chris O'Brien
Accessibility Officer
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[AMI: Accessible Media Inc]

From: Nigel Megitt <>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:45 AM
Subject: {Minutes} Audio Description Community Group call 2019-06-10

Thanks all for attending today's ADCG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at

The next steps for this specification are:

  1.  Nigel to prepare pull requests for the current open issues
  2.  Chris to open an issue about extended descriptions for consideration possibly in a future version
  3.  All to review the pull requests
  4.  When there's consensus to merge, Nigel to merge them and then...
  5.  ... Nigel to issue a call for consensus to take this document forward for Rec track advancement in the Timed Text Working Group.
We decided not to schedule any future meetings at this time because all of those activities can be done off-line by GitHub and emails. If any contentious issues arise that need a discussion we can hold a call.

Those minutes in text format:



                   Audio Description Community Group

10 June 2019

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.





          Chris_OBrien, Nigel_Megitt, Peter_Blatchford








     * [4]Meeting minutes

         1. [5]Agenda

         2. [6]Open pull requests

         3. [7]Constrain to one leaf element being active for

            audio at any one time? #8

         4. [8]Do we need to support `#contentProfiles` or

            `#processorProfiles`? #10

         5. [9]Future meetings

         6. [10]Meeting close

Meeting minutes

   Log: [11]



   Nigel: There are two main issues to discuss.

   Peter: I'm prepared to comment on both of the open issues.

   Nigel: We also have to consider future meetings.

   ... AOB?

   group: [no other business]

Open pull requests

   Nigel: Just to note I merged the open pull requests at the end

   of last week so what you see at

   [12]ADPT Specification


   Nigel: incorporates all the previously open pull requests.

   group: [happy with those merged changes]

Constrain to one leaf element being active for audio at any one time?


   [13]Github issue 8


   Nigel: Any thoughts about this constraint?

   Peter: I agree with Matt's comment - we don't see a user case


   Chris: What about extended descriptions?

   ... The concept of more description than is permitted within the

   allotted time.

   Nigel: The timestamps at the moment are based on media, so

   there would need to be some kind of directive that says

   ... "if the audio is too long for the time available, pause the

   media until the audio has finished"

   ... and that could be useful for TTS also where the duration is


   Chris: Yes, I was more thinking of possible future


   Nigel: Right, we did not include that as a requirement for this


   Peter: Agree with that.

   Chris: I agree with Matt's comment too, just trying to provide

   a tangible use case.

   Peter: That makes good sense on an on-demand application where

   pausing the video wouldn't be an issue.

   Nigel: We should open this issue and defer it to a future


   Chris: That's a great idea, we should do that.

   Nigel: It could be a player feature without a directive, e.g.

   for braille displays where the user acknowledges that they

   ... have finished reading before the media continues.

   Chris: This would be great for educational uses too. Just

   thinking my way through it.

   ... There are a lot of times in educational programming where

   there's not enough room for the description to breathe

   ... and children for example would benefit from more robust


   ... I'll raise this as an issue.

   Nigel: Thank you.

   ... For the moment I'm seeing consensus to add the constraint for

   only one active leaf at a time.

   ... I'll go ahead and draft a pull request for that so we can

   review and merge it.

   ... Thank you!

   ... Any other comment on that issue?

   group: [no more comments]

Do we need to support `#contentProfiles` or `#processorProfiles`? #10

   [14]Issue 10


   Nigel: This is about planning ahead.

   Chris: I'm happy to defer - it seems to make sense from a

   future compatibility viewpoint.

   Peter: Matt has raised an interesting example. I'm not a fan of

   automated translation or voicing but there is an obvious

   ... application there, which could be a good reference.

   ... I'm in agreement with Matt's comment - we should permit

   people to specify but not require them to do so.

   Nigel: Thank you, that's pretty clear, I'll draft a pull

   request to add those too.

Future meetings

   Nigel: The main point of having a future meeting would be if

   there is any more discussion needed.

   ... I can issue a call for consensus by email, so if everyone is

   happy with that then we don't need another meeting.

   Chris: Works for me

   Peter: Me too - as soon as we're happy that this is the

   standard to use we can go ahead with implementation.

   Nigel: Okay, then I will prepare pull requests for the open

   issues, and assuming they get positive reviews and we

   ... merge them then I will send a CfC for taking it forward for

   Rec track advancement in TTWG.

   ... I don't think I'm aware of any IPR issues at the moment but I

   will need to check that with W3C Staff.

   ... The only other question I have is about the Authors section

   at the top - I think I should move that to the

   ... Acknowledgements section if that seems okay.

   Peter: Sounds good to me

   Chris: Yes

   Nigel: Great, I'll go ahead with that.

Meeting close

   Nigel: Thanks for joining, we've completed our agenda so I'll

   adjourn now. [adjourns meeting]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by

    Bert Bos's [15]scribe.perl version Mon Apr 15 13:11:59 2019

    UTC, a reimplementation of David Booth's [16]scribe.perl. See





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