{Agenda} Audio Description Community Group call 2019-06-10

We have an audio description community group web call on Monday 10th June at 1500 UTC.

The goal of the meeting will be to agree a position on the 2 open issues. I have merged the open pull requests for ease of review of the document in its current state; those requests were open for a long time and had only positive review comments. If there are new views then we can consider reverting undesirable changes.

Draft agenda:

  *   Review this agenda
  *   Review open pull requests (currently none)
  *   Issue 8: Constrain to one leaf element being active for audio at any one time? https://github.com/w3c/adpt/issues/8
  *   Issue 10: Do we need to support `#contentProfiles` or `#processorProfiles`? https://github.com/w3c/adpt/issues/10
  *   Future meetings – should we schedule them, and when?


Issues: https://github.com/w3c/adpt/issues
Pull requests: https://github.com/w3c/adpt/pulls
Editor’s Draft specification: https://w3c.github.io/adpt/

Please note each pull request has a “Preview | Diff” line under the first comment; clicking Preview goes to a preview of what the specification would look like including the proposed changes; clicking Diff goes to a preview where the proposed changes are highlighted.

Joining information

Meeting time: 2019-06-10 1500 UTC – check
to find this in your timezone.

IRC: We will also use IRC for minute-taking and text-based chat during the call.

IRC: irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#audio-description
Web IRC service: http://irc.w3.org/?channels=audio-description&uio=d4

For more information about IRC in W3C please see https://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/

For audio/video/screen sharing we will use Webex, provided courtesy of the EBU. Joining details:

W3C Audio Description Community Group Webex
Monday, 10. June 2019
17:00  |  Europe Summer Time (Paris, GMT+02:00)  |  1 hr
Meeting number (access code): 707 395 171
Meeting password: Meet

Add to Calendar<https://ebu.webex.com/ebu/j.php?MTID=m5d568dcbe85a78bf9ff6b20421c73bcc>

When it's time, join the meeting<https://ebu.webex.com/ebu/j.php?MTID=m69234b6b46d21b51be00818c72dabc38>.

Join from a video system or application
Dial 707395171@ebu.webex.com<sip:707395171@ebu.webex.com>
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
+41 43456 9564<tel:%2B41434569564,,*01*707395171%23%23*01*> Switzerland toll
0800-894627<tel:0800-894627,,*01*707395171%23%23*01*> Switzerland toll free
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Can't join the meeting?<https://collaborationhelp.cisco.com/article/WBX000029055>

Received on Thursday, 6 June 2019 14:56:18 UTC