[Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Jul 1, 9:00 am PDT

Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.

Meeting venue https://meet.google.com/wgg-wjtd-kdu


   - Admin
      - Travis CI not working?
      - Review of process to update the spec
   - V1
      - New Issues
         - Use new WebIDL buffer primitives
      - PRs
         - Fix typo in VUMeterNode
         - Fix #2339: Fix ecma262 completion
         - Use new Web IDL buffer primitives
      - V2
      - New issues
         - Audio track to use in decodeAudioData
         - Expose AudioContext in Worker/ServiceWorker
      - 16 Priority-1 issues
   - Other Business
      - New news

Received on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 23:27:41 UTC