TPAC Schedule and Health Policy

Hello everyone,

TPAC is now a month away!

James and I have a list of agenda items to schedule here:

Please review and let us know if there is an agenda item you need 
scheduled at a specific time.

Additionally, we wanted to write about TPAC's covid and health 
guidelines. The official guidelines are listed here:

While masking and testing is left to individual choice, the chairs would 
like to strongly encourage ARIA working group members to test daily 
before ARIA meetings. Covid antigen tests will be available at the 
registration on request, and assistance for testing is available if 
required (inquire at registration desk).

If you feel unwell in anyway, please stay home or in the hotel room and 
join the meetings remotely.

If anyone feels uncomfortable with this policy, please let James and I 
know privately and we will discuss other possibilities.

Valerie and James

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 17:26:57 UTC