Re: [EXTERNAL] Event Updated: ARIA Working Group weekly meeting

Regrets for today.

- Cory​
From: James Nurthen (W3C Calendar) <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 2:23:51 PM
To: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Event Updated: ARIA Working Group weekly meeting

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View this event in your browser<>

ARIA Working Group weekly meeting Upcoming Confirmed

12 October 2023, 13:00 -14:00 America/New_York

Event is recurring weekly on Thursday, starting from 2023-04-06, until 2024-03-17

Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group <>


  *   New Issue Triage<>
  *   New PR Triage<>
  *   WPT Open PRs<>
  *   Take ownership of ARIA in HTML<> from webapps
  *   popovertargetaction=show/hide when popover is already shown or hidden<>
  *   Clarify how aria-* attributes are expected to trickle down to nested elements<>
  *   Consider allowing combobox to open menus<>
  *   associationlist and related roles have tediously long names<>
  *   Requesting changes to new implementation-blocked merging process<>
  *   Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading<>

Joining Instructions

Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to log in<> to see them.


  *   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group<> (View Calendar<>)

Report feedback and issues on GitHub<>.

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Thank you. Aetna

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2023 16:47:33 UTC