Weekly github digest (Weekly ARIA WG Github activity)

* w3c/aria (+2/-1/💬13)
  2 issues created:
  - In Chromium/WebKit, setting ARIA reflected properties to undefined behaves the same as null (by nolanlawson)
  - The `aria-current` docs aren't clear about how to handle a "current" nav-item that isn't a link-to-current-page. (by MichaelAllenWarner)

  8 issues received 13 new comments:
  - #1858 In Chromium/WebKit, setting ARIA reflected properties to undefined behaves the same as null (3 by jnurthen, nolanlawson, smhigley)
  - #1857 The `aria-current` docs aren't clear about how to handle a "current" nav-item that isn't a link-to-current-page. (2 by MichaelAllenWarner, scottaohara)
  - #1844 Add separator to the required owned elements list of menu (3 by MelSumner, WilcoFiers, scottaohara)
  - #1769 Why table has "name required" (1 by WilcoFiers)
  - #1110 AriaAttributes has many integer attributes with string types (1 by cyns)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1110 [feature] 
  - #1026 Revisit allowed roles for aria-expanded (1 by JAWS-test)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1026 [feature] 
  - #991 ARIA Data Visualisation module (1 by brennanyoung)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/991 [deep-dive] 
  - #630 Consider the future of aria-flowto (1 by spectranaut)

  1 issues closed:
  - Move the text "User agents MUST provide a way for assistive technologies to be notified when states change, either through DOM attribute change events or platform accessibility API events." from 6.5.1 to the end of section 6.5 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/732 [editorial] 

* w3c/core-aam (+0/-1/💬0)
  1 issues closed:
  - security considerations regarding use of platform accessibility apis for accessing user data https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/154 [privacy-tracker] [security-tracker] 

* w3c/html-aam (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 issues created:
  - Webkit likely should not map contenteditable attr to textbox (by scottaohara)

* w3c/accname (+0/-0/💬1)
  1 issues received 1 new comments:
  - #179 Step 2E isn't used for form field + name-from-label when it is the current node in an aria-labelledby traversal (1 by spectranaut)
    https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/179 [Agenda] 

* w3c/dpub-aam (+0/-1/💬1)
  1 issues received 1 new comments:
  - #18 AXCustomContent localizable strings (1 by mattgarrish)

  1 issues closed:
  - AXCustomContent localizable strings https://github.com/w3c/dpub-aam/issues/18 

* w3c/dpub-aria (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 issues created:
  - Add dfn tag to doc-glossary example (by mattgarrish)

Pull requests
* w3c/aria (+1/-1/💬8)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Editorial: update related concepts for status role (by scottaohara)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1859 [editorial] 

  7 pull requests received 8 new comments:
  - #1830 Providing more current examples of presentational elements in textboxes (1 by chlane)
  - #1812 restrict aria-owns on roles with children presentational (1 by jnurthen)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1812 [Author Tests] [clarification] 
  - #1805 Draft: aria-actions addition to the ARIA spec (1 by cookiecrook)
  - #1738 Using suffix Element/s for IDL attributes referring to elements (1 by jnurthen)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1738 [editorial] 
  - #1639 role=note fleshed out a little. (1 by scottaohara)
  - #1454 Update required owned elements and required context role (2 by dd8, smhigley)
  - #1020 Issue1019 initial draft for accessible name using caption role (1 by jnurthen)
    https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1020 [ARIA 1.3] [merge conflict] 

  1 pull requests merged:
  - Editorial: minor revisions to deletion role description

* w3c/html-aam (+1/-0/💬1)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Remove references to "sectioning root" (by spectranaut)

  1 pull requests received 1 new comments:
  - #454 Define concept of minimum role (1 by spectranaut)

* w3c/dpub-aam (+0/-1/💬0)
  1 pull requests merged:
  - Add that AXRoleDescription and AXCustomContent value are localizable strings

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/aria
* https://github.com/w3c/core-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/html-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/accname
* https://github.com/w3c/dpub-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/dpub-aria
* https://github.com/w3c/mathml-aam

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Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2023 17:00:55 UTC