Announcing the new ARIA Authoring Practices Guide site

With deep gratitude to the many people who helped make this happen, we are excited to share that the completely redesigned ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) is now available and ready to use!


While this is a project long in the works and supported by all members of the APG Task Force, getting it ready for launch on GAAD took extra effort and some late-night hours by several members of the delivery team. In particular, we’d like to give special thanks to:

* Rich Noah, Seth Thompson, Alexander Flenniken, Howard Edwards, and Isaac Durazo from the design and engineering team at Bocoup.

*       Shawn Henry, Steve Lee, and Michael Cooper from W3C staff


This event is the first page in a new chapter for APG. It opens a lot of possibilities for better serving web developers.


Please share the news on social media or via your respective institutions. We've put together a media kit with example announcements and media like screenshots: <*heading=h.37fj51gffuw7__;Iw!!Bt8RZUm9aw!_5l_O6yrQ1By04lG6nqbJmnesi0dEZbN7fGrl-ohrqbicxDPUm4fjKlbhSkSFVThbSGh$> 


Please email <>  if you share a public post as we are putting together a coverage report for the launch.


Enjoy the new APG at: <;!!Bt8RZUm9aw!_5l_O6yrQ1By04lG6nqbJmnesi0dEZbN7fGrl-ohrqbicxDPUm4fjKlbhSkSFY-p2rZb$> 


Matt and Jemma

Co-Chairs, APG TF

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2022 20:17:45 UTC