Please read: 1.3 prioritization action items for all ARIA working group members

Hello everyone,

In today's meeting we discuss the next step for prioritizing all 116 
issues marked with milestone 1.3. We'd like to release the features we 
have already added in 1.3 soon so we don't think it's reasonable to 
address all these issues in 1.3. After you take the steps outline in 
this email, we hope it will be clear which issues we can punt.

 1. Step one: find all issues with the 1.3 tag that are assigned to you
 2. Step two: Add the following labels to each of the issues assigned to
    you (add more than one label as appropriate).

Labels related to the type of fix, almost every issue should have one of 

      * *editorial*
          o The issue requires only a change to an example, note,
            spelling, grammar, or is related to publishing or git
            repository maintenance.
      * *clarification*
          o The issue is related to clarifying or correcting language
            that is either confusing, misleading or under-specified. It
            does not result in a change to any implementations or APG.
      * *feature
          o This issue introduces new concepts that will need
            implementations or design patterns in APG.

Labels related to priority:

      * *high author impact*
          o This is a high priority issue that solves a real problem for
      * *high user impact*
          o This is a high priority issue that solves a real problem for
            AT users.
      * *openui*
          o The issue came from OpenUI.

Miscellaneous labels:

      * *good first issue*
          o The issue is probably easy and straight forward.
      * *F2FCandidate*
          o This issue could be a subject for the next TPAC.
      * *nit*
          o honestly I don't know who wanted this one or why it is
            different then editorial, someone could chime in, or if you
            feel it is relevant, add it

Please make time for this in the next couple of weeks! :) Some issues 
will be obvious, but some might take some thinking.


Received on Thursday, 30 June 2022 19:20:14 UTC