Re: Event Updated: ARIA Working Group weekly meeting

Regrets for me this week.


James Nurthen <> schrieb am Mi., 9. Feb. 2022, 18:23:

> View this event in your browser
> <>
> ARIA Working Group weekly meeting Upcoming Confirmed
> 10 February 2022, 13:00 -14:00 America/New_York
> Event is recurring weekly on Thursday, starting from 2021-03-18, until
> 2022-03-17
> Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group
> <>
>   Agenda
>    - New Issue Triage <>
>    - New PR Triage <>
>    - 1.3 blocking issues <>
>    - Deep Dive planning <>
>    - Announcement - Minutes Archive <>
>    - TPAC 2022 - Who might attend in person? Vancouver from 12 to 16
>    September 2022. Non-binding straw poll?
>    - Charter Update?
>    - Handling Author Errors: form & region roles
>    <>
>    - Initial aria-textseparation (depends on generic PR being merged)
>    <>
>    - Consider collapsing Base Concept category into Related Concepts
>    <>
>    - Inconsistency between native and ARIA listboxes when implicit
>    aria-selected is provided <>
>    - Should ARIA provide better support for routing in single-page
>    applications? <>
>   Joining Instructions
> Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to log in
> <http:///accounts/login?redirect_url=/events/meetings/1d223877-730c-446f-bfa9-2e9222902112/20220210T130000/edit>
> to see them.
>   Participants Groups
>    - Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group
>    <> (View Calendar
>    <>)
> Report feedback and issues on GitHub <>.

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2022 18:13:53 UTC