Re: Agenda: ARIA Working Group Teleconference - 2021-03-11.


Jon  Gunderson
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2021, at 5:19 PM, James Nurthen <> wrote:

Due to axe-con & CSUN please reply with regrets if you cannot attend on Thursday.
If the meeting needs to be cancelled due to low attendance I would prefer to do so in advance of the meeting.

1.3 planning - ARIA Working Group Teleconference - 2021-03-01

**Please note earlier start time and increase meeting length **

If you would like to add an item to the agenda please send reply to this mail.

  *   New Issue Triage<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTSbz9wa4A$>
  *   New PR Triage<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTTF4ZZoCA$>
  *   Meaty topic for next week<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTRVp-7XLA$>
  *   1.3 triage<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTStYmJjXQ$> - Start at issue #1084 in list

Previous Meeting Minutes<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTSM_jhq3Q$>

San Francisco (U.S.A. - California)     Thursday, March 11, 9:00 AM PST
Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts)         Thursday, March 11, 12:00 PM EST
London (United Kingdom - England)       Thursday, March 11, 5:00 PM GMT
Paris (France)  Thursday, March 11, 6:00 PM GMT+1
Tokyo (Japan)   Friday, March 12, 2:00 AM GMT+9
Corresponding UTC (GMT)         Thursday, March 11, 5:00 PM UTC

Duration: 2 hours

Chair: JamesNurthen


IRC:<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTSYBbgShg$>:6665 #aria

Call Details:

Meeting Details including passcode<;!!DZ3fjg!teUozC1Yf_xpbx_NStNlrzwD317iPr2v-6VA_t0A7D65Sg-Nz8Y6ffgngTTtydMAfA$>

To join the audio conference only:

US Toll Number: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 101 412 589

Mobile Auto Dial:+16699006833,,101412589#

International Numbers:

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Join by Skype for Business:

Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 23:52:42 UTC