[EXTERNAL] Re: Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF & ARIA Teleconference
ARIA Working Group weekly meeting
aria-ACTION-2164: Fix apg in place wrt permalink location
aria-ACTION-2165: Explore code quality tools for aria using gh-actions
aria-ACTION-2166: Remove jquery from aria-common
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Event Invitation: Deep-dive: Figure out what to do with the DPUB mappings overlap with the ARIA Core spec, in the context of newer implementation differences
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF & ARIA Teleconference
Event Updated: ARIA Working Group weekly meeting
- Bryan Garaventa (Thursday, 16 December)
- W3C Calendar (Wednesday, 15 December)
- W3C Calendar (Wednesday, 15 December)
- W3C Calendar (Thursday, 9 December)
- Valerie Young (Thursday, 9 December)
- Carolyn MacLeod (Thursday, 9 December)
- W3C Calendar (Wednesday, 8 December)
- Schnabel, Stefan (Wednesday, 1 December)
- W3C Calendar (Wednesday, 1 December)
Hesap doğrulama
Live Zoom with Q&A tomorrow (December 2) about ARIA-AT project at Sight Tech Global
Meeting Minutes
Minuets ARIA Working Group weekly meeting 2021-12-02
Last message date: Wednesday, 22 December 2021 00:46:46 UTC