CSSWG + Open UI Joint Meeting

Hey everyone,

Thank you to everyone for filling out the Doodle's regarding dates and
times. The first joint meeting will be next Monday, October 12 from 10:00
AM PDT - 2:00 PM PDT.

The tentative agenda is as follows:

1. Overview of the problem
2. Spectrum of customization
3. Definition of a control
4. Questions/Comments

Melanie Richards and I are putting together a slide deck for each section
and we hope that this will help scope the discussions and begin building
out a holistic plan across groups based on resolutions that build upon one

If necessary we can overflow into Friday (which was the next top selected
date). We think this will probably consume the four hours based on recent
discussions in this space.

The agenda and times are here:

We'll provide call in details by the end of the week.


Received on Monday, 5 October 2020 16:42:30 UTC