RE: Agenda: ARIA WG Meeting March 12, 2020. Important - different call information this week.



In the last year, BlueJeans has responded to accessibility feedback and fixed things I have reported. It’s not perfect, but getting better bit by bit. I use the iOS app frequently. It has a couple obvious weird errors, but I’ve just lived with them.




From: Sina Bahram <> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 10:32 AM
To: 'James Nurthen' <>; 'ARIA Working Group' <>
Subject: RE: Agenda: ARIA WG Meeting March 12, 2020. Important - different call information this week.


That’s good to know. super-glad it’s not final.



President, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.

Phone: 919-345-3832

Twitter: @SinaBahram

Personal Website:  <>


From: James Nurthen < <> > 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1:25 PM
To: Sina Bahram < <> >; 'ARIA Working Group' < <> >
Subject: Re: Agenda: ARIA WG Meeting March 12, 2020. Important - different call information this week.



Have you tried the Browser-based version? It seemed to work pretty well with VoiceOver in my brief testing.

This is also not a final decision. It is a one off to see how it works out for us. We will likely try out other systems in coming weeks. 




James Nurthen  |  Accessibility Engineer  |  Adobe  |  p. 415.832.2734  |  c. 415.987.1918  | <> 




From: Sina Bahram < <> >
Organization: Prime Access Consulting
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 10:21 AM
To: James Nurthen < <> >, 'ARIA Working Group' < <> >
Subject: RE: Agenda: ARIA WG Meeting March 12, 2020. Important - different call information this week.


I wish we had settled on a far more accessible choice. I’m glad there is a phone option at least. I don’t plan on installing that app back on the phone as they ignored a11y feedback in the past.


Thanks for the agenda and updated call details. I hope we can one day use a super-accessible platform.



President, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.

Phone: 919-345-3832

Twitter: @SinaBahram

Personal Website:  <>


From: James Nurthen < <> > 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1:12 PM
To: ARIA Working Group < <> >
Subject: Agenda: ARIA WG Meeting March 12, 2020. Important - different call information this week.


ARIA Working Group Teleconference - 2020-03-12

Call Information

We will try using BlueJeans this week. There are 3 ways to connect.

1. Browser : 
2. BlueJeans App:
3. Phone: Dial a number below and enter the meeting ID 323036330 followed by #

+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary)) 

+ (Germany)

+31.20.808.2256 (Netherlands)


Call Agenda

If you would like to add an item to the agenda please send reply to this mail.

* F2F Update
* New Issue Triage <> 
* New PR Triage <> 
* Wide review comments with PRs <> 
* Wide review comments without PRs <> 
* Create property for repeated content <> 

Previous Meeting Minutes


San Francisco (U.S.A. - California) 

Thursday, March 12, 11:00 AM PDT

Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts) 

Thursday, March 12, 2:00 PM EDT

London (United Kingdom - England) 

Thursday, March 12, 6:00 PM GMT

Paris (France) 

Thursday, March 12, 7:00 PM GMT+1

Tokyo (Japan) 

Friday, March 13, 3:00 AM GMT+9

Corresponding UTC (GMT) 

Thursday, March 12, 6:00 PM UTC

Duration: 1 hour

Chair: JamesNurthen


IRC: <> :6665 #aria


Received on Thursday, 12 March 2020 17:26:37 UTC