RE: AccName utility for live AccName algorithm testing on the fly

I see what you mean, though this is meant for all types of name computations and not just focusable elements.


<h1 title="whatever" id="test"> This is a test </h1>

(BTW, if you copy and paste from Outlook, it seems that special chars are included that may break the ability of the script to process the markup, so copying from a standard text notetaker is best.)

Your idea though would need a new feature to be created, such as an additional page for this type of functionality, which is entirely doable. I’m afraid I don’t have time myself to do this at present. Does this mean you are volunteering? ☺

Bryan Garaventa
Principal Accessibility Architect
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)<>

From: David MacDonald <>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 8:47 AM
To: Bryan Garaventa <>
Subject: Re: AccName utility for live AccName algorithm testing on the fly

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Hi Bryan

I really like the idea. One thing that might make it easier for me to use to use is to find a way to make it work without having to add id=test to the node, which in some cases requires the label referencing to be adjusted. I think this could be overcome by having the computed value section listen to the focused element inside the sandbox area where the rendered code is showing.
This way a developer could dump in a whole form into the tool, tab around and see the computed value for whatever has focus.

David MacDonald

CanAdapt Solutions Inc.

Tel:  613-806-9005



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On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 9:50 PM Bryan Garaventa <<>> wrote:
I wanted to share this AccName page that was recently enhanced by Todd Briley.

Instead of presenting a static page, it allows you to paste or type whatever markup that you wish to compute the AccName for directly into the page, which you can then dynamically load and test without having to edit the page or reload it. This is a great way to quickly validate markup on the fly while also referencing the latest AccName Prototype code on GitHub. This too has been added to the 'docs' folder within the main GitHub repo for reference.

A quick note, you have to include id="test" on the root node that you are computing the AccName for, otherwise the script will not know which element you are trying to calculate. Simply write the markup you wish to process into the edit field at the end of the page, then click the Paste and Test button.

If anybody else would like to contribute with related tools and utilities, please let me know. All help is welcome.

All the best,

Bryan Garaventa
Principal Accessibility Architect
Level Access, Inc.<>
415.624.2709 (o)<>

Received on Friday, 15 February 2019 17:00:07 UTC