The office team had made a similar proposal in the past but the MS Office guy who made it left the company. I am glad they came back.
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> On May 11, 2018, at 11:36 AM, John Foliot <> wrote:
> +1 to Aaron, and I suspect that the folks over in dPub WG would be interested and supportive of this as well.
> JF
>> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Aaron Leventhal <> wrote:
>> Hello, I was reading the ARIA annotations issue and the linked Microsoft Position Paper on Annotations.
>> All I can say is, yes, we need this. With perhaps a few minor tweaks, the proposal is already pretty solid. It would solve a lot of real problems in group document editors. This would be very helpful for end users.
>> I'd like to see annotations sooner than the 1.4 time frame, and look forward to implementing in Chrome, and working with platform API specs and AT vendors as well.
>> I propose we get this on the agenda for an upcoming meeting.
>> Thank you,
>> Aaron
> --
> John Foliot
> Principal Accessibility Strategist
> Deque Systems Inc.
> Advancing the mission of digital accessibility and inclusion