RE: James Nurthen appointed co-chair of ARIA WG

Congrtulations James!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Cooper <> 
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 7:46 AM
To: ARIA Working Group <>
Subject: James Nurthen appointed co-chair of ARIA WG

It has just been announced to the Advisory Committee and chairs that James Nurthen has been appointed co-chair of the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group. He joins Joanie in the role, and replaces Rich to bring the group back to two co-chairs, for which we established a need last year.

We're pleased to be able to announce James in this role, representing Adobe (his previous employer also supported this role), and look forward to adding his leadership to Joanie's as the group's work continues to evolve.


Received on Friday, 30 March 2018 14:36:33 UTC