Re: CSS in Accessibility Name Computation (Was: a11y-outline available for Firefox)


On 12/02/18 18:57, Bryan Garaventa wrote:
> I don't understand what this means though: "This means that there 
> can be more than one label for a labelable element. These labels 
> should be processed in source order."
> Are you referring to the DOM source order?
> Do you mean that both of these would be treated differently and have 
> different names?
> <label>
> This is
> <input id="lbl" />
> </label>
> <label for="lbl">a test</label>
> As opposed to:
> <label for="lbl">a test</label>
> <label>
> This is
> <input id="lbl" /> 
> </label>
> Because determining source order will be very expensive from a 
> processing perspective and unreliable in practice because this could 
> relate to anything such as use within data tables.

Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Note that it is not my personal
opinion. This is defined in the HTML spec.

I can not really judge whether this is expensive or not. However,
browsers have to implement this calculation for HTMLInputElement.labels


Received on Monday, 12 February 2018 19:40:50 UTC