RE: [RSVP] Special meeting this Thursday regarding Personalization Semantics


Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Joanmarie Diggs <> 
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 2:29 PM
To: ARIA Working Group <>
Cc: lisa.seeman <>; Charles LaPierre <>
Subject: [RSVP] Special meeting this Thursday regarding Personalization Semantics

Hey all.

As those of you who attended last week's meeting are aware, we are considering moving the Personalization Task Force and its deliverables out of ARIA and into APA. This is still being discussed by the Personalization Task Force. See the mailing list thread opened with this message [1], along with the minutes from today's Personalization Semantics Task Force meeting [2].

Towards the end of today's meeting, in which some task force members were absent and during which no consensus was reached, I proposed the possibility of doing a WBS Survey to determine people's positions and hopefully get closer to identifying a way forward that we all can live with. Lisa pointed out that people shouldn't vote that have not heard both sides. I think her observation is quite reasonable and that before the ARIA Working Group vote in such a survey, we owe it to Lisa to give her sufficient time to present her case directly to the Working Group.
For this reason, we are proposing to make this week's ARIA concall a one-topic meeting, namely Personalization Semantics.

The reason for the "[RSVP]" tag is that we want to ensure that all of the regular attendees, along with anyone else with an interest in this matter, will be at the meeting to hear Lisa's presentation.

Thank you in advance for your response!



Received on Monday, 9 April 2018 21:31:49 UTC