Aaron Leventhal
- Re: Seeking spec clarification: repeated text in the same live region
- Re: Seeking spec clarification: repeated text in the same live region
- Seeking spec clarification: repeated text in the same live region
Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Issue Tracker
- aria-ACTION-2144: Contact task force facilitators regarding once-a-month check-ins during thursday's working group call
- aria-ACTION-2143: Work with michael on getting fpwd versions of core aam and aria out
- aria-ACTION-2142: Plan a wd of graphics-aam with goal to go to cr à la https://w3c.github.io/spec-releases/milestones/?cr=2018-01-11
- aria-ACTION-2141: Obtain mappings and generate test results for graphics-aam
- aria-ACTION-2140: Follow up with bogdan on how svg intends to proceed on svg-aam wrt to graphics-aria and graphics-aam
- aria-ACTION-2139: Contact stakeholders to feel out potential for travel budget for ftf meetings
Bryan Garaventa
David MacDonald
- Re: Proposal: Remove the mapping table from AccName "AAM"
- Re: Richard Schwerdtfeger steps down as co-Chair of the ARIA Working Group
Glen Gordon
Gunderson, Jon R
James Craig
Janina Sajka
Joanmarie Diggs
- Agenda for Thursday, 30 November 2017 WAI-ARIA Working Group
- Reminder - Proposal: Remove the mapping table from AccName "AAM"
- Proposal: Remove the mapping table from AccName "AAM"
- Agenda for Thursday, 16 November 2017 WAI-ARIA Working Group
- WBS surveys now available for AC review of our specs
John Foliot
Léonie Watson
Matt King
- RE: Seeking spec clarification: repeated text in the same live region
- RE: Reminder - Proposal: Remove the mapping table from AccName "AAM"
- Seeking Review of Practices in preparation for CFC to Publish as a Note