Important concerns with naming calculation 'name from content' not being included in parent role accessible name.

As most of us spoke of this last Monday in the APG call, I wanted to raise important concerns about the interpretation of the naming calculation, that specific roles that do not include 'name from content' are not being included in the parent role accessible name calculation.

It was pointed out that this change is already included in Firefox, and I have built a sample that demonstrates why this global interpretation is dangerous. The following markup structure is now totally inaccessible in Firefox as a result of this change.

<div tabindex="0" role="tab">
			<td> Inbox </td>
			<td> (23) </td>

Such a global interpretation would not just apply to all explicitly applied roles but to all implicitly mapped ones as well, and it is impossible to predict how and in what order all developers will need to apply ARIA roles in order to ensure accessibility in the future and that doesn't take into account what people are already doing right now.

Aaron, can you please include the markup example here that you spoke of to demonstrate why this is a needed globally applied interpretation?


Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
SSB BART Group, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2017 18:08:14 UTC