- From: Bryan Garaventa <bryan.garaventa@ssbbartgroup.com>
- Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 17:44:28 +0000
- To: ARIA Working Group <public-aria@w3.org>, Rich Schwerdtfeger <richschwer@gmail.com>
Hi Rich, I've been trying to do this and the table formatting is driving me nuts. So the concept is easy for the markup, but the wiki table formatting plus required word syntax requirements plus making this match the actual API mappings is taking me forever to figure out and I'm still not getting how to do this without screwing it up. So this is what I have for role=switch plus aria-checked="true". === switch checked true (NEEDS TEST: Bryan G) === <pre> if given <div id='test' role='switch' aria-checked='true' tabindex='0' class='switch'>power</div> then expose aria-checked="true" and role "switch" on the element with id="test" </pre> {| class="wikitable" |- |rowspan=3|ATK |property |role |is |ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON |- |property |states |contains |STATE_CHECKABLE |- |property |states |contains |STATE_CHECKED |- |rowspan=4|AXAPI |property |AXRole |is |AXCheckbox |- |property |AXSubrole |is |AXSwitch |- |property |AXDescription |is |switch |- |property |AXValue |is |1 |- |rowspan=2|IAccessible2 |property |role |is |IA2_ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON |- |property |objectAttributes |contains |xml-roles:switch |- |rowspan=3|UIA |property |Control Type |isNot |Button |- |property |Localized Control Type |isNot |toggleswitch |- |property |Toggle |contains |ToggleState:On |} Reference: https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#switch_checked_true_.28NEEDS_TEST:_Bryan_G.29 This table does not look right to me because I can't figure out how to make this table match the spec mappings at https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#ariaCheckedTrue Can you please show me how to modify this wiki formatting to match this mapping table? I apologize for sounding annoyed, but I've spent an hour trying to figure this out and it's driving me nuts. Thanks, Bryan Bryan Garaventa Accessibility Fellow SSB BART Group, Inc. bryan.garaventa@ssbbartgroup.com 415.624.2709 (o) www.SSBBartGroup.com
Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2017 17:45:02 UTC