Where is the IA2_RELATITON_DETAILS_FOR defined

Joanie or Rich,

I could not find the IA2_RELATION_DETAILS_FOR constant in the IAccessible2 constants for relations.

Where is IA2_RELATION_DETAILS_FOR defined and what is its value?

I need to know the value if I am going to test for it in the ATTA.

IA2_RELATION_DETAILS_FOR is used the following ARIA 1.1 test cases:


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D.
Accessible IT Group
Disability Resources and Education Services
College of Applied Health Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

E-mail: jongund@illinois.edu
WWW: http://disability.illinois.edu/academic-support/aitg

Received on Monday, 26 June 2017 20:26:27 UTC