RE: aria-readonly and plain elements

“represent a conflict with the host language.“

This similar to

<input readonly=”readonly” aria-readonly=”false” ---> Conflict, Host language should win

But I wonder if there is a general mapping rule for cases like

<div aria-readonly=”false” …>

Are these and similar aria property and state assignments to nodes without roles ALWAYS authoring errors and should be therefore simply ignored in the mapping?

And for labels and relations:

<span aria-label=”Hi”>Ho</span> ---> Will there be “Hi” or “Ho” in the mapping?

Maybe there are already clarifying sections about that in the ARIA specs but it may be worth the effort to collect the red herings and edge cases in a central location (APG?) and say explicitely “forbidden”.
This would be also helpful for people writing validators..


From: Aaron Leventhal []
Sent: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017 22:14
To: Rich Schwerdtfeger <>
Cc: ARIA Working Group <>
Subject: Re: aria-readonly and plain elements

I'm not sure I understand :/

I could use some guidance as I'm touching this up in Chrome at the moment.


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 10:38 AM Rich Schwerdtfeger <<>> wrote:
That would need to be an HTML AAM restriction as HTML is the host language and this would represent a conflict with the host language. Sent from my iPhone. ARIA also applies to SVG.

On Jul 24, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Aaron Leventhal <<>> wrote:
To clarify, I'm talking about cases where there is no role.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 7:19 PM Aaron Leventhal <<>> wrote:
It's my understanding that aria-readonly="true" should not be mapped by a user agent for <div contententeditable>.
Also, aria-readonly="false" should not be mapped by a user agent for <div>

Just checking that this is what the spec says, it's what's intended, and is considered desirable.

Thank you,

Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 12:03:44 UTC