RE: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

Or, alternatively, as you propose

<div role="checkbox"></div>  Delete mail after <input> days

The key question is to establish an understanding that the checkbox stand for the full line content including the input

Whith aria-labelledby to give all of them appropropriate accessible names we may end up with some cyclic referencing stuff.

-          Stefan

From: Schnabel, Stefan []
Sent: Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017 11:40
To: Matt King <>; 'Aaron Leventhal' <>; 'ARIA Working Group' <>
Subject: RE: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

Does that mean they have to code

<div role="checkbox">Delete mail after</div> <input> <label for=(input)> days
And all is fine?

-          Stefan

From: Matt King []
Sent: Montag, 3. Juli 2017 17:54
To: 'Aaron Leventhal' <<>>; 'ARIA Working Group' <<>>
Subject: RE: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

Aaron, that use case didn’t work with ARIA 1.0. If an input is nested inside of another input, the user can’t tell which input they are operating. You would have to somehow get the screen reader to ignore the parent checkbox element role when reading the textbox. That would be special casing because we have other instances of composites where you can’t ignore the parent element role.

You want the text input to be part of the label for the checkbox, not part of the checkbox itself.

From: Aaron Leventhal []
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 12:11 PM
To: ARIA Working Group <<>>
Subject: Change in ARIA 1.1 breaks checkbox/radio with embedded field

ARIA 1.1 says checkbox and radio have childrenPresentational: true, whereas ARIA 1.0 didn't.

Unfortunately, this will break the following use case:

[ ] Delete mail after ___ days

The ___ can be a textfield, combobox, etc. It's the reason that a value is part of the name computation. Unfortunately, when the parent checkbox/radio is childrenPresentational, we truncate the tree at that point and make it a leaf. So there is no object to fire events for when the embedded control gets focused.

<div role="checkbox">Delete mail after <input> days</div>

- Aaron

Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2017 09:47:52 UTC