ARIA in HTML review results

Dear APA and ARIA WGs,

Here is my note that’s part of APA’s review of ARIA in HTML. No further action required from APA.

I will file all necessary bugs.

— Michiel

# ARIA in HTML review

- Note links to old APG spec

## ARIA in HTML issues
- ul element roles not in alphabetical order
- article element roles not in alphabetical order
- embed element roles not in alphabetical order

## HTML issues
- a without a href may contain all roles, not reflected in HTML spec
- address element allows any role, not reflected in HTML spec
- article element allows presentation, not reflected in HTML spec
 - roles not in alphabetical order
- aside allows region, not reflected in HTML spec
- base element allows global aria attributes according to spec, not reflected in ARIA in HTML
- button element allows checkbox and tab, not reflected in HTML spec
- dd element has default role of definition, not reflected in HTML spec
- dt element has default role of listitem, not reflected in HTML spec
- footer element condition for role not in HTML spec
- form element has format error in HTML spec
- head element allows global aria attributes according to spec, not reflected in ARIA in HTML
- header element condition for role not in HTML spec
- img element allows any role, not reflected in HTML spec
 -  default role not in HTML spec
- keygen element still listed, not in HTML anymore
- link element allows global aria attributes according to HTML spec, not reflected in HTML in ARIA
- main element allows presentation role according to HTML spec, not reflected in HTML in ARIA
- map element doesn’t allow any roles or attributes, not reflected in HTML spec
- section element has mismatch between roles allowed
- td element is missing allowed aria role heading

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 17:44:19 UTC