Editorial erratum for ARIA 1.0: form -> from

FYI I added an entry to the Errata page for ARIA 1.0:


This is purely an editorial typo, but since it was raised to my 
attention by a translator whom it was confusing, it was appropriate to 
document it. Because it's so editorial it doesn't seem we need to run a 
formal WG process to approve the erratum, let me know if you think 

If we ever decide to publish an Edited Recommendation of ARIA 1.0, we 
would incorporate this fix, along with others that accumulate by the 
time of republishing. There aren't any plans to do so at the moment 
though, and it's highly unlikely we would decide to do so just to fix 
this typo, so the fix will just rest in the errata page. It is 
referenced from the Recommendation, and the function of errata pages is 
to document errors like this without having to republish the spec.


Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 15:22:11 UTC