Minutes for Thursday, 20 April 2017 WAI-ARIA Working Group

The minutes for today’s meeting can be found as text in this e-mail or at the following URL: https://www.w3.org/2017/04/20-aria-minutes.html

— Michiel


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

20 Apr 2017

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/04/20-aria-irc


          Joanmarie_Diggs, Joseph_Scheuhammer, MichielBijl,
          Stefan, janina, jkva, MichaelC, Rich_Schwerdtfeger,
          jongund, matt_king





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Welcoming Job van Achterberg (new Invited Expert)
         2. [5]Joseph leaving
         3. [6]ARIA 1.2: Do it or not?
         4. [7]Personalization CfC
         5. [8]ARIA 1.2: Do it or not?
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <joanie> clear agenda

   <joanie> agenda: this

   <joanie> agenda: be done

   <Rich> scribeNick: MichielBijl

Welcoming Job van Achterberg (new Invited Expert)

   JD: We have a new person, yay new person

   Job van Achterberg / jkva

   You can introduce yourself

   JA: I’m Job van Achterberg, from the Netherlands, 34

   My wife is Mallory, whom you might know

   I’m a co-organiser of role=drinks together with Michiel

   I also run inclusive design meetup in NL

   I also write Python

   All: Welcome!

   JD: I recently became a co-chair of this group

   Dev for Orco screen reader

   Periodically do WebKit etc implementations of ARIA stuff.

   RS: Co-chair of this group

   Used to be at IBM

   Live in Bonaire

   <jkva> Bonaire

   MB: I’m a dinosaur

   JS: I’ve been part of this group for a while

   Also part of other groups and chair of the APA

   SS: I’m Stefan from Germany

   I come from the applicability of ARIA

   I joined this group about 5 years ago

   It’s a nice working environment

   I encourage you to take part

   JN: I’ve met Job a couple of times already

   Work for Oracle

   Work on WCAG and APG

   MK: I’m Matt King, work for Facebook

   Think Rich brought me into this group around 2010

   Editor on the APG

   Used to be at IBM, that’s where I met Rich

   MC: I’m the staff contact for the ARIA WG.

   JG: I’m from the University of Illinois

   Work on making their stuff more accessible

   Been part of the ARIA WG for a long time

   Also work on the APG

   And on the ARIA testing with Joanie

   JS: I work at the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD
   University in Toronto

   Also worked on the …

   Previous editor of the APG

   Now editor of core-aam

   This will be my second last meeting

   I’ll be leaving you all at the end of the month

   RS: Want to thank Joseph for all he’s done

Joseph leaving

   RS: Joseph was a great editor!

   MK: He was always able to find anything faster than anyone else

   JS: Thank you all!

   <jongund> sorry to see go Joseph

   <jongund> We have done a great job, you will be missed

   JD: I’ve tried to convince him to stay, but alas

   We can’t replace you Joseph

   We do have a dutch man to plug some holes now though

   MC: The door is always open if you want to re-join

ARIA 1.2: Do it or not?

Personalization CfC


     [11] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-admin/2017Apr/0001.html

   JD: About 10 days ago Rich put out a CFC

   To do a FPWD

   for Advance COGA Semantics to Enable Personalization

   The CFC passes with no objections

ARIA 1.2: Do it or not?

   RS: Situation: W3C management mesures on deliverables

   of specifications

   Like the HTML AAM

   They depend on us, they link to all of our documents, it’s the
   basis of it

   Not everybody is contributing on ARIA

   Most work falls to three people particularly Joseph and Joanie

   Some people prioritise other things over ARIA

   For example work on APG instead of ARIA

   This happened with 1.0 and we can’t have it happen with 1.1

   <Irfan> Hello Everyone! This is Irfan from ETS. I just want to
   introduce myself here with the group. I work as accessibility
   engineer here at ETS.

   <Irfan> yes I am

   *scribe lost*

   RS: There is a clear disconnect between what W3C management
   believes we should be doing, and what the group thinks they
   should be doing

   Michael, did I mis-state anything?

   MC: It’s a complicated situation

   Philippe is focused on the rec channel

   If we don’t make our delivery dates they have to make radical
   changes that we don’t want

   RS: We should ask ourselves whether we should do 1.2, and
   whether we should continue as a WG after 1.1

   Not saying APG is not a priority

   Also want to thank all the APG members for all the work they do

   However, we need to focus on getting ARIA 1.1 out the door

   MC: We need to find a short term way to a ?? and b getting it
   done in that time frame

   RS: Will point out this is not limited to APG

   We’ve had some members dropping in and out for long periods of

   They’ve been helpful while they’re here

   But the consistency isn’t what we’d like it to be

   JN: Aaron Leventhal is doing work on the APG

   MK: I’m trying to lure him back in

   I’m not sure how this is framed

   You said there is a disconnect and working group membership,
   that’s a problem

   And number two there is a skillset disconnect

   Is there a third problem?

   Those are the two I’m hearing right now

   RS: There’re resources that can do testing, that are working on
   the APG

   I’ve done a bunch of test harness stuff this week

   What we need is people working on APG to do testing

   MK: Maybe a third problem is that everyone understands which
   work has to be done

   MK ??

   JD: I've developed one for AXAPI, though it's not in a public
   repository. And it works quite well. The one I did for ATK and
   AT-SPI2 are done and work even better

   MK: So you’ve done two platforms?

   Jon, I was under the impression that you made good progress?

   Maybe part of this is making sure that we all understand what
   the game plan is

   And where it stands

   Would make it easier for people to figure out how and where to

   MC: If we tell the management that we’re not going to make the

   The management will see that as members not seeing ARIA as a

   While most members do see it as a priority

   <Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to talk about how W3M perceives
   Member interest

   The problem is that we need to show the management that it is a

   MK: Browser implementers, the critical part, are missing

   MC: We’re not the only group struggling with that.

   We need to press them on that

   RS: Not just our group, HTML, SVG, among others also have this

   The only time I see browser vendors is weeks after a decision
   is made they have an issue with.

   Jon, I know you’ve been working on this, how far away are you
   from having your test integrate with Joanie’s?

   JG: We have some Python versioning issues

   Joanie works in Python 3 and we use version 2

   We need to adapt it to run in Version 2

   *something about Python*

   RS: Job can you work with Jon to work this out?

   JA: If I can get some more details, sure

   We can work this out in another channel

   MK: Doesn’t NVDA also work with different prog languages?

   JG: Yes they do

   JD: To be clear, if you’re doing it in Python 2, you can do

   It doesn’t have to work with my stuff

   Just port it to Python 2

   It would be a separate project

   RS: So we’d be doing it twice?

   JD: No, it would different, it will not interact with my code

   RS: So if you change something, Jon would have to do it again?

   JD: No

   RS: Would it be better for Jon to do it in Python 3?

   JD: Yes, that would be easier for the code

   RS: Is there a reason you can’t use Python 3?

   JG: It’s a complex library, but if you have a Python guru
   around that can help

   RS: Is it a bug in the library or in python?

   JG: Not sure yet
   ... Would prefer to do it in 2.7
   ... We’ll take Joanie’s code and port it to 2.7

   *techie stuff*

   MK: What are our jobs once we have the automated testing tools?

   RS: We have to run the tests

   Microsoft said that they won’t be working on the harness for

   We can generate the files for manual testing

   We will have bugs in the test harness due to little nuances
   here and there

   What I prefer happen, is getting people assigned to run the

   JD: Don’t need volunteers for my platform, we need people for

   I’ve been filing bugs for ATK


     [12] https://twitter.com/detonite/status/854334793739378691

   RS: Jon, thank you for what you’re doing and please continue,
   you’re on the critical path!
   ... Joanie, will Jon’s work merge into the general dashboard
   that shows the results?

   JD: You download some JSON and that has the results

   JG: Matt, so I should put APG aside and focus on the test

   MK: Yes

   I think there’re some issues the group needs to talk about
   regarding priorities and such

   I do see some differences between REC track and non-REC track

   It seems to be a common problem

   RS: Bottom line is that we need to get ARIA 1.1 is finished

   If we can’t finish 1.1 we shouldn’t be working on 1.2

   Thank you all for the conversation today

   Jon, please get together with Job and some other people, and
   please let us know where you stand next week

   Michael did you want to add anything?

   MC: No

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [13]scribe.perl version
    1.152 ([14]CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/04/20 18:10:41 $

     [13] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [14] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15
Check for newer version at [15]http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/PHP/Python/
Succeeded: s/Bon Aireeadsd/Bonaire/
Succeeded: s/deserting/leaving/
Succeeded: s/Philip/Philippe/
Succeeded: s/frame/framded/
Succeeded: s/framded/framed/
Succeeded: s/???/Aaron Leventhal/
Succeeded: s/I work at the Accessibility Research centre in Toronto/I wo
rk at the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University in Toronto
Succeeded: s/ATPS/AT-SPI2/
Succeeded: s/The one/I've developed one for AXAPI, though it's not in a
public repository. And it works quite well. The one I did/
Succeeded: s/version/version 2/
Succeeded: s/RS/JD/
Succeeded: s/have sad/said/
Present: Joanmarie_Diggs Joseph_Scheuhammer MichielBijl Stefan janina jk
va MichaelC Rich_Schwerdtfeger jongund matt_king
Regrets: Jason_Duan
Found ScribeNick: MichielBijl
Inferring Scribes: MichielBijl
Found Date: 20 Apr 2017
Guessing minutes URL: [16]http://www.w3.org/2017/04/20-aria-minutes.html
People with action items:

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2017/04/20-aria-minutes.html

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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     [17] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2017 18:12:15 UTC