Visual ARIA Update for ARIA 1.1 Sync Now Available

A significant update for Visual ARIA is now available which includes new mappings for ARIA 1.1 synchronization plus new features .

These are fully documented with code examples and download links in the LinkedIn article at

Visual ARIA allows engineers, testers, educators, and students to physically observe ARIA usage within web technologies, including ARIA 1.1 structural, live region, and widget roles, proper nesting and focus management, plus requisite and optional supporting attributes to aid in development. The public bookmarklet can be run on any live webpage that connects to the web, or downloaded for use offline or internally behind corporate firewalls.

Visual ARIA updates include: ( )
Exposure of aria-expanded on implicit and explicit roles for button and link.
Exposure of native form elements as landmarks when explicit labels are detected. (ARIA 1.1)
Exposure of role="term" plus automatic checking for role="definition" with proper association. (ARIA 1.1)
Exposure of role="figure". (ARIA 1.1)
Exposure of role="feed" plus the parent child association with role="article". (ARIA 1.1)
Exposure of aria-current plus all supported token values. (ARIA 1.1)
Exposure of aria-haspopup plus all supported token values. (ARIA 1.1)
Tightened guidance for aria-haspopup to only be valid on focusable elements with native or explicit roles.
Exposure of aria-activedescendant target elements with automatic visual role matching.
Exposure of labelled widgets, structures, and landmarks that improperly reference themselves.

Accompanying ARIA Role Matrices updates include: ( )
Added aria-expanded mappings for the roles button, link, checkbox, and row.
Added 'children presentational' details for all relevant roles. (ARIA 1.1)
Added role="term" section plus markup guidance. (ARIA 1.1)
Added role="feed" section plus markup guidance. (ARIA 1.1)
Added role="figure" section plus markup guidance. (ARIA 1.1)
Added ARIA 1.1 details for role="combobox" within the Implementation Notes column.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.

All the best,

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
SSB BART Group, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2016 05:32:31 UTC