Re: onclick and Firefox

Hi Alex,

Thanks for clarifying.  This was very helpful.

On 2016-03-30 10:17 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer
> < <>> wrote:
>     On 2016-03-29 6:00 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
>     > Hi, Rich. I'm not completely sure what you mean.
>     Maybe this will clear it up:  in an earlier email, you wrote:
>     > If you put an input element under a body with onclick, then I
>     think it
>     > won't pick up the body's action.
>     I took that to mean that clicking on the <input> would not invoke the
>     body's onclick handler.  I tested it and it does invoke the body's
>     onclick handler.
> I was talking about accessibility layer only. If you mean DOM events,
> then it's probably correct behavior as events should be bubbling.

I took you to mean DOM events.

>       In order to avoid that handler, you need to add a
>     click listener to the <input> element itself that calls the event's
>     stopPropagation() method.
> I'm still confused. Do you mean the accessibility layer should add DOM
> events listeners?

No, not at all.  I'm saying that an author would need to add a DOM click
event listener to stop the click from bubbling up to the body's handler.

>     Then again, maybe that's not what you meant by your comment about
>     input
>     elements.  What did you mean?  :-)
> I meant that an accessible object for input element shouldn't expose
> 'click' action of a document accessible, which is picked up from
> HTML:body click listener.

Yes, that makes sense.  Does it generalize to all accessible objects?  I
think it does.  That is, if there is a <p> DOM element, there would be a
corresponding 'paragraph' accessible object, but that accessible would
not expose a click action inherited from the <body> DOM click listener. 
Only the accessible object that corresponds to the <body> element
exposes the click action.

Generally, the presence of a click listener on an ancestor DOM element
does not, by itself, cause creation of accessible objects for all of the
descendant DOM elements.

Back to Rich's original question:
> ... if an author were to place an onclick handler on the body tag
> Firefox was exposing it through actions in all the descendant elements
> in the accessibility tree. Is that still true?

To which you replied:
> Yes but to text leaf descendants only. 

Final question:  do those text leaf descendants each expose the click



'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                 - C. Carter -

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 15:18:23 UTC