[REVIEW REQUESTED] Re: Regarding separator as a widget

Hey Rich, all.

Regarding the proposed changes, having heard no objections, I've opened
action-2091 and provided a draft. Links and details for proposed changes:

Action: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2091
Draft: https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-2091/aria/aria.html#separator
Diffs: https://github.com/w3c/aria/compare/action-2091

* Add implicit values: valuemin (0), valuemax (100), and valuenow (50).
* Make valuenow required and add an associated "authors MUST".
* Add an "authors SHOULD" regarding valuemin and valuemax.
* Remove aria-expanded as a supported property. If a platform needs
  this state, it can be mapped based on the values in the Core AAM.

In addition, there was no statement suggesting that authors SHOULD
provide an accessible name in environments when there is more than
one focusable slider. That statement has been provided as part of
these changes.


On 06/24/2016 05:52 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> I agree. 
>> On Jun 24, 2016, at 4:48 PM, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs@igalia.com> wrote:
>> Hey Rich.
>> I'm going to add a "third" which is implied from what you've said here:
>> On 06/24/2016 05:16 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
>>> So, expanded can be fired by the browser per platform for focusable
>>> widgets without the author having to apply it. Then it makes sense to
>>> not have the author provide the property. So, we would have to
>>> deprecate it.
>>> Second, check with Cynthia to make sure this will not violate a UIA
>>> control pattern regarding values.
>> Third: For platforms which expect (depend upon) expanded being fired, we
>> need to find out what their definition of expanded is. A couple of
>> possibilities that spring to mind:
>> 1. Going from 0% to a value that's greater than 0%
>> 2. Going from a value that's less than 100% to a value of 100%
>> We'll need this for the Core AAM.
>> With this information, I would hope that we could have authors provide
>> values, have user agents map the values to expanded/collapsed for those
>> platforms expecting that, and have ATs never notice that something has
>> changed.
>> <strike>And make Joanie a little less twitchy.</strike>
>> Thanks for considering this! And apologies, again, for having missed the
>> CfC on it.
>> --joanie

Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 17:19:11 UTC