[AAPI] Minutes UAI TF Meeting, Tuesday 14 June 2016

URL: https://www.w3.org/2016/06/14-aapi-minutes.html

Plain text follows:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

14 Jun 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/14-aapi-irc


          Joanmarie_Diggs, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Bryan_Garaventa,




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]ACTION-1533 (Joanie) Periodic checkin: Webdriver
            automated accessibilty testing framework for testing
            ARIA in ATK/AT-SPI.
         2. [5]ACTION-1696 (Joanie) ATK/AT-SPI and IA2 mappings of
         3. [6]ACTION-1698 (Joanie) AXAPI mapping of
         4. [7]ACTION-1706 (Joseph) Statement regarding
            deprecation of UIA Express.
         5. [8]ACTION-2065 (Joseph/Cynthia) Validation of
         6. [9]ACTION-1739 (Joanie) Provide all the missing
            atk/at-spi2 interfaces.
         7. [10]ACTION-2022 (Rich) Followup with Alex about
            IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK (obsolete?)
         8. [11]ACTION-2056 (Rich/Joseph/Joanie) Mappings for new
            aria-haspopup values.
         9. [12]ACTION-1732 (Michael) Conformance section for
        10. [13]ACTION-2076 (Joseph) MSAA+IA2 mapping of separator
            when it is a splitter widget between panes.
     * [14]Summary of Action Items
     * [15]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> agenda: this

   <joanie> scribe: joanie

ACTION-1533 (Joanie) Periodic checkin: Webdriver automated
accessibilty testing framework for testing ARIA in ATK/AT-SPI.

   <clown> action-1533?

   <trackbot> action-1533 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Implement
   Webdriver automated accessibilty testing framework for testing
   ARIA in ATK/AT-SPI -- due 2016-05-24 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [16]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1533

     [16] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1533

   JD: I've set up my Windows 10 laptop and am following the
   instructions in the repo README.md.
   ... I'm getting errors no matter which set of instructions I
   ... Cynthia, should I ask you or your colleague?

   CS: Ask John.

   JD: Will do, thanks!

   CS: I think there's a meeting on Thursday morning to discuss
   ... With Jon Gunderson and others, I believe it is at 9AM
   Pacific time.

   JD: Works for me.

ACTION-1696 (Joanie) ATK/AT-SPI and IA2 mappings of

   <clown> action-1686?

   <trackbot> action-1686 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Drive mapping
   of aria-errormessage to aapis -- due 2015-07-23 -- CLOSED

   <trackbot> [17]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1686

     [17] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1686

   <clown> action-1696?

   <trackbot> action-1696 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Propose ATK/AT-SPI
   mapping of aria-keyshortcuts -- due 2016-06-14 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [18]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1696

     [18] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1696

   JD: I think we are stalled on this.

   JS: I raised it again just because you asked to bring it up in
   a week.

   JD: There is a Mozilla work week going on in London.
   ... So Alex and Jamie are busy with that.
   ... And I'm waiting to hear back from Alex.

ACTION-1698 (Joanie) AXAPI mapping of aria-keyshortcuts.

   <clown> action-1698

   <trackbot> action-1698 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Propose AXAPI
   mapping of aria-kbdshortcuts -- due 2016-06-14 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [19]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1698

     [19] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1698

   JD: I'm waiting on this one until I do the mapping for my
   ... As discussed before I want to hear back from Alex.
   ... That said, I won't keep blocking AX API for ATK.
   ... So please make it due next week.

   JS: Ok.

ACTION-1706 (Joseph) Statement regarding deprecation of UIA Express.

   <clown> action-1706?

   <trackbot> action-1706 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Compose a
   statement regarding the "deprecation" of uia express mappings
   in the core-aam, referencing the aria 1.0 mapping spec. -- due
   2016-06-07 -- PENDINGREVIEW

   <trackbot> [20]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1706

     [20] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1706

   JS: Cynthia gave me a pull request.
   ... I was going to pull it in, but then I heard from Michael.
   ... At tomorrow's meeting, Michael is going to discuss how we
   officially do pull requests.
   ... So I'm going to wait until tomorrow's meeting.
   ... Then this pull request will be my first try.

ACTION-2065 (Joseph/Cynthia) Validation of aria-activedescendant.

   <clown> action-2065?

   <trackbot> action-2065 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Add this
   statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to
   validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the
   focused container. “ -- due 2016-05-19 -- PENDINGREVIEW

   <trackbot> [21]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2065

     [21] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2065

   JS: While I was away, this action came up.
   ... Cynthia wrote some stuff.



   JS: There's a need to add a statement to the Core AAM about
   user agents not being expect to validate this.
   ... I wrote back that there is already a statement in the Core
   AAM regarding this.
   ... The URL is above.
   ... In section 6.2 (Joseph reads statement)
   ... The fifth item in the list (Joseph reads it)
   ... Is that sufficient?

   CS: Let me read it again.

   <clown> [23]https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/397

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/397




     [25] https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/ACTION-2065/aria/aria.html

   <clown> "User agents are not expected to validate that the
   active descendant is a descendant of the focused container."

   CS: What Joseph pasted should be sufficient.



   JS: The URL above is where the proposed change is.

   CS: While it is somewhat redundant, I think having it here is
   ... When people are thinking about activedescendant, I think
   they're more likely to look here.
   ... We could link back to the other part.

   JS: We could do that.
   ... Anyone else have thoughts on this?
   ... I'm fine with including it twice and also linking to the
   author error section.

   BG: Fine with me.

   JD: It might be worth adding a (code) comment by each statement
   that the text should remain aligned.

   JS: It could be an editor's comment (they disappear when you do
   a snapshot).

ACTION-1739 (Joanie) Provide all the missing atk/at-spi2 interfaces.

   JS: Correction. They are still showing up.
   ... I'll ask tomorrow during the editor's call.

   <clown> action-1739?

   <trackbot> action-1739 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Provide all the
   missing atk/at-spi2 interfaces for joseph -- due 2016-07-05 --

   <trackbot> [27]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1739

     [27] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1739

   JS: This action is about the interfaces in ATK/AT-SPI2 that are
   relevant to roles.
   ... We include them for UIA, but not ATK.
   ... Looking at them, I realized something.
   ... We got rid of the prefixes.

   JD: You can do that for everything but hyperlinkimpl, and maybe
   you can drop that one too.

ACTION-2022 (Rich) Followup with Alex about IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK

   JS: Rich is not here.

ACTION-2056 (Rich/Joseph/Joanie) Mappings for new aria-haspopup

   <clown> action-2056?

   <trackbot> action-2056 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Coordinate the
   mappings for the various AAPIs of the enumerated aria-haspopup
   values -- due 2016-06-07 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [28]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2056

     [28] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2056

   JS: I have incorporated Rich's mapping for IA2 and ATK.
   ... I think I have UIA's in place as well.
   ... I wanted to show Rich the changes and verify they are
   ... But while we're here, the action got assigned to Joanie for
   the AX API mappings.
   ... Touching base.

   JD: No update.
   ... I will add it to my todo list.

   JS: When Rich is back I'll probably bring it up again to verify
   the changes.

ACTION-1732 (Michael) Conformance section for core-aam.

   <clown> action-1732?

   <trackbot> action-1732 -- Michael Cooper to Work on conformance
   section for mappings (note there is a section, but change
   id=conformance so respec picks up) -- due 2015-10-14 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [29]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1732

     [29] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1732

   JS: I was doing some triaging of all the actions during the
   past week.
   ... I came across action 1732.
   ... This has to be in the document apparently.
   ... It's assigned to Michael.
   ... I emailed him. He replied that he has notes on it.
   ... Michael will add it soon.
   ... Due date is October 14, 2015.

ACTION-2076 (Joseph) MSAA+IA2 mapping of separator when it is a
splitter widget between panes.

   <clown> action-2076?

   <trackbot> action-2076 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to MSAA/IA2
   mapping of role="separator", when it is a widget (window
   splitter). -- due 2016-06-02 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [30]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2076

     [30] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2076

   JS: I need some advice on this one.
   ... I was supposed to research this.
   ... Sometimes it's not interactive; sometimes it is (like when
   it's a window splitter).
   ... I went digging around.

   <clown> "The object is used to visually divide a space into two
   regions, such as a separator menu item or a bar that divides
   split panes within a window"

   JS: I got some documentation on the ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR.
   ... (Reads above)
   ... The role is the same for both types.

   <clown> IA2_ROLE_SPLIT_PANE

   JS: IA2 doesn't have a role for separator at all.

   <clown> "A split pane. A specialized panel that presents two
   other panels at the same time. Between the two panels is a
   divider the user can manipulate to make one panel larger and
   the other panel smaller"

   JS: There is a split pane (defined above).

   JD: We have that in ATK/AT-SPI2.

   JS: So the split pane is the whole thing; not the splitter

   <clown> issue-1029?

   <trackbot> issue-1029 -- Add mappings for interactive separator
   (window splitter). -- open

   <trackbot> [31]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1029

     [31] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1029

   JS: Ideas, or anyone know more?

   CS: Is there an issue for this?

   JS: Issue-1029.

   <clown> action-2074

   <trackbot> action-2074 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to UIA mapping of
   role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter). -- due
   2016-06-02 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [32]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2074

     [32] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2074

   CS: Action-2074 is for UIA.

   JS: You said control type of thumb.

   CS: I knew I found something.

   JS: Do we have a thumb in MSAA?
   ... Would you be fine with "thumb" Bryan?

   BG: Oh goodness.

   <clown> scribenick: clown

   JD: If a user puts focus on a splitter, and hear's "thumb" or
   some such, and gives a percentage, isn't that enough?

   BG: Isn't it a separator role on windows?

   JD: My platform and a native app, there is a keyboard shortcut
   to put focus on the window spitter.
   ... Orca annouces it, and as the user moves it, orca announces
   the percentages.
   ... It should implement the value interface, and SRs can speak
   the changes in value.

   <joanie> scribe: joanie

   BG: During the APG call, we were trying to figure out the whole
   separator pattern thing.
   ... There is no way to distinguish between the separator
   element (static) and interactive separators.
   ... It's not clear in the implementation how you're supposed to
   distinguish these.
   ... There is no way to convey what is being represented there.
   ... In a non-visual way.

   CS: Looking at the UIA documentation, the reason I chose thumb
   is that the docs specifically state that this role should be
   used for window resizers.

   JS: What do you call the thumb on a scrollbar?

   CS: I think it's part of the scrollbar. But let me look.
   ... Yes, thumb is used in scrollbar as well.
   ... Sliders use thumbs as well.

   JS: That's what I remember from GUI toolkits.

   CS: We don't have a splitter control type.
   ... But thumb says it can be used for window resizing.

   BG: Understanding the use cases and how to program them would
   be helpful.
   ... Are we talking about tabbing to a container which is
   resizable using the arrow keys?

   CS: That's one possibility.
   ... Another is like in Outlook when we have multiple panes
   dividing the window.

   JS: In HTML4... was it a frameset?
   ... For lack of a better word, this thing is a separator that
   divides a window into two parts.
   ... You can resize the panes without resizing the window

   CS: And some apps update the layout depending on the
   width/height of the pane.
   ... For instance, single line versus multiple line.

   JS: Dojo has something like this.
   ... You can Tab to it and then resize the panes with the arrow

   BG: Anyone have a web example I can look at?

   JS: Let me look for Dojo's.

   CS: I think outlook.com has similar functionality.

   BG: Having a concrete usecase will help.

   JS: The Dojo example says it's deprecated.
   ... And this doesn't seem to be keyboard accessible.

   <clown> scribenick: clown

   JD: A window splitter expoeses the focusable state; and HR does
   ... a window splitter exposes a value interface; an HR doesn't
   ... Isn't that enough to make the distinction between an
   interactive window splitter and a static separator (HR).


   <trackbot> action-2069 -- Matthew King to Write proposal to
   resolve issue 1028 for the separator role -- due 2016-05-19 --

   <trackbot> [33]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2069

     [33] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2069

   <joanie> scribe: joanie

   JS: Supposedly we have a pending CfC for action-2069.
   ... He's indicated that this is largely editorial, and the
   changes are targeted mainly towards authors.
   ... (Quotes from text from Matt)
   ... It sounds very similar to what Joanie said.
   ... So maybe nothing needs to be done. Well....
   ... There may still need to be mappings.

   JD: There will need to be mappings.
   ... In Cynthia's case (for UIA), if it has focusability and
   values, it's a thumb.
   ... In my case, it needs to implement the value interface.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 20:13:42 UTC