Re: Action-2079 + Action-2080 (was Re: ACTION-2080: Draft aria spec text limiting the use of role password on editable objects)


    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

From:	Joanmarie Diggs <>
To:	Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group
Date:	06/09/2016 02:14 PM
Subject:	Action-2079 + Action-2080 (was Re: ACTION-2080: Draft aria spec
            text  limiting the use of role password on editable objects)

Hi all.

During today's ARIA concall we discussed my text for action-2080 in
relation to the text Michael wrote for action-2079. The conclusion was
that the following sentence should be added to my existing text:

"Host languages SHOULD document that the password role can only be used
on elements that are editable and not permanently read only."

That has been done [1] in my branch [2]. The new proposed text to
address both action-2079 and action-2080 is as follows:

Authors SHOULD limit the use of the password role to single-line
elements which are editable. Authors MAY use the password role on
elements which are not currently editable due to application-specific
conditions. However, in that instance, authors MUST indicate that the
element is read only by setting aria-readonly to true or using the
appropriate native host language attribute. User agents MUST ignore the
password role when it is applied to elements which are neither editable
nor explicitly marked as read only. Host languages SHOULD document that
the password role can only be used on elements that are editable and not
permanently read only.



Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 20:40:42 UTC