ARIA Meeting minutes: 09-Jun-2016


Plain text version follows below:



                               - DRAFT -

   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

09 Jun 2016



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Joanmarie_Diggs, fesch, MichaelC, Jemma, Cynthia, JF,
          JaEunJemmaKu, Matt, Joseph, JamesN, Bryan,
          Bryan_Garaventa, Stefan

          Rich, Léonie, Michiel




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]ACTION-2039 Update definition of aria-autocomplete
         2. [6]Treeitem, option re children presentational
         3. [7]ACTION-2079 and ACTION-2080 Draft ¨host language
            should¨ language for password
         4. [8]ACTION-2081 Draft wording for editorial note on
         5. [9]testing
     * [10]Summary of Action Items
     * [11]Summary of Resolutions

   <jemmaKu> rrsagent make log world

   <scribe> scribenick: clown

   <MichaelC> agenda order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10

   take up item 1

   MC: It's up to Rich to send the formal decisions
   ... <looks up what they were>
   ... I think they all passed.
   ... Warning for password was amended via MichielBijl.
   ... Any concerns?

   JF: No. to-may-to to-mah-to.
   ... I think the original felt stronger, but the new text is
   more of a friendly reminder.

   MC: If you want to keep the original text, say so.

   <jemmaKu> is this original draft? "Warning: the password role
   does not convey or apply any of the security or privacy
   considerations found in native password fields. Authors are
   responsible for making sure that custom password fields have
   robust security and privacy protection, as befits their use."

   JF: Well, I wrote the originall text. I want authors to
   understand there are serious limitations in terms of using it.
   ... I prefer the stronger wording.

   MC: I do too.

   JK: I can second that.

   MC: There is a general preference for the original wording.
   ... the second CfC was on aria-keyshortcuts.
   ... Joseph made some non-normative editorial changes.

   MK: I'm generally okay.
   ... I have a few small modifications.

   MC: Go ahead an make the mods and then notify Joanie.

   MK: Will do, but I will have to look for them.

   <Zakim> joanie, you wanted to seek clarification on when to

   MC: You can ask Joseph or Joanie.

   JD: If I know where the changes are, I can make them.

   MC: As for doing the merge, it's triggered when Rich makes the
   formal recommendation.

   JD: It's not clear if it's blessed by virtue of this meeting.

   MC: It is up to Rich, and I will contact him to make his
   ... Last one about the implicit/explicit roles.
   ... There was no discussion, so I assume everyone is okay with
   ... So, I will notify Rich about that as well.

   MC, JD, MK: <discussion on mechanics of github and merging>

ACTION-2039 Update definition of aria-autocomplete


   <trackbot> action-2039 -- Matthew King to Update definition of
   aria-autocomplete -- due 2016-03-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

   <trackbot> [12]




   MC: Matt, you sent some notes around about it.

   MK: I sent to the list a summary of what I've done.



   MK: I can walk through it.
   ... This update compared to last week has eight changes.



   <MichaelC> changes:


   MK: In that branch, the way it was written suggested that
   regardless of what a user types, automatic predicitions will
   ... But that only happens only if the app recognizes the input
   and can make a prediction.
   ... I modified the definition to indicate that.
   ... That's in the first paragraph.

   <mck> the inline model (aria-autocomplete="inline") that
   presents a value completion prediction inside the text input

   MK: In the second paragraph, I changed it to say "value
   completion prediciton".
   ... Focussing on the idea autocomplete is all about
   ... In the third paragraph, second sentence used to imply an
   authoring requirement in a negative manner, and not normative.

   <mck> Authors SHOULD either omit specifying a value for
   aria-autocomplete or set aria-autocomplete to none if an input
   element provides one or more input proposals where none of the
   proposals are dependent on the specific input provided by the

   MK: I changed it to a postive SHOULD statement. (see above).

   <MichaelC> last week´s discussion on aria-autocomplete


   MC: The main thing we want to do is if people have concerns
   with your edits.

   MK: I will try to summarize quicker.
   ... I removed the word "state' from "selected state" and went
   back to something similar to the original language.
   ... <describes other changes>
   ... I added the word "MAY" in the value definitions.

   MC: Any comments?

   JD: Thank you for clarifying the state thing.

   MC: The hope is to approve this. Any objections to accepting
   this branch as proposed?

   <JF> +1 to accepting

   MC: Let's make a resolution.

   RESOLUTION: Accept action-2039 as proposed.

Treeitem, option re children presentational

   MC: We talked about this last week, but got stuck

   <MichaelC> Last week on children presentational


   MK: We had resolution three weeks ago, it went out to CfC and
   was approved, but there was another thread questioning it.
   ... The person we thought would not agree was Stefan.

   MC: I was supposed to contact him, but I did not.
   ... He is here today, though.
   ... Stefan, we wanted to check with you about treeitem and

   MK: We had an approved CfC, but you and others had some
   ... We don't have from you if the mailing list discussion is
   ... This is in regards children-are-presentational for

   SS: I said there could be more complex treeitems that contain
   interactive content.
   ... Also in lists.

   MK: The CfC included it on other roles where ATs can't handle
   internal interactive content.

   SS: I can't vote against it, but in reality these things
   ... It's a bad idea that ARIA 1.1 does not cover it yet.
   ... Also, we cannot rely cross platform screen reader support.

   MK: Whether we change it in the spec or not does not affect AT
   behaviour now.
   ... Same with browsers.
   ... If you put interactive children inside these roles, it
   won't work, unless you use some tricks.
   ... But those tricks are not recommended by authoring

   FE: Originally Rich, James, and I were against this.
   ... But, we are willing to put this off to ARIA 2.0

   SS: I'm okay with that.
   ... But, Rich is in the same boat as me?

   FE: Yes, as well as James.

   <Zakim> joanie, you wanted to question the "nothing will

   JD: I'm sort of in the same boat.
   ... With resepect to spinbutton.
   ... Doesn't that mean the UAs do not expose the children?
   ... Right now the up/down buttons are actually exposed.
   ... I think things will change.

   SS: I just want to point out that I do not care that much about
   treeitems with links inside.
   ... But, we have frequently in our UIs are listitem containers
   with interactive content inside a listitem.
   ... And, we need to cover this.

   MK: That one, we have a robust solution.
   ... That's why we added layout grids to ARIA 1.1.

   SS: Also, with position information — on item 5 of 8 — we need
   to see if the layout grid covers this.

   MK: It does.

   BG: The underlying reason is to shore up the difference between
   composite and non-composite widgets.
   ... Tree items have never been composite.
   ... Composite means that it supports interactive child
   ... User agents do no expose the child elements in composite
   ... To make them composite requires a much larger spec change.

   <Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to say it is not a grid

   BG: This can be part of 2.0, but we need to make clear in 1.1
   that these are not composite widgets.

   JN: I'm always worried when someone says that something that is
   thought of as a list is actually a grid.
   ... It concerns me that different users have a different

   <JF> +1 to JamesN

   JN: It might lead to a wcag error.

   MK: I have answer to all your points, but that discussion
   belongs to authoring practices.

   JN: We have those problems in our organization.

   BG: A lot of the problem comes down to what it looks like and
   what it is semantically.
   ... They don't have to be the same.

   <Stefan> +q

   BG: As long as they are accessible.
   ... It's when they look as if they behave a way, but don't,
   that's a huge problem.

   MC: I get the feeling that we do not have consensus.
   ... It has gone from "I can live with this" to stronger
   ... Is there something we can agree on that it necessary and
   sufficient in ARIA 1.1?
   ... Try to find consensus around that within the next 15 min;
   otherwise, keep this issue open.

   BG: What is a non-composite widget? That is the issue.

   MC: A widget is that not composite. A composite is one that
   consists of other widgets.
   ... It might also might have structure.

   MK: Composite has focusable children.
   ... The children's semantics are revealed to AT>
   ... My primary concern is if we do not make the spec consistent
   with how we have mapped to host languages.
   ... E.g <option> is not allowed to contain things.
   ... As soon you break that so that 'option' can have more than
   one meaning — it create serious problems.
   ... An advantage of the CfC is that it allows conformance tools
   to alert authors.

   SS: I don't say to hijack options of listitems.
   ... I just want a new role or mechanism to handle the "complex"
   ... Also, I agree with James that using grid for lists is
   ... It should not be called a grid by JAWS. We need a new

   MK: JAWS already calls these things grids.

   SS: But a grid has editable cells and data bound content.
   ... But the things I have in mind — text, links, buttons — they
   don't have that semantic.
   ... This needs more discussion.

   BG: We do need to distinguish between listitem and option. They
   are different things.
   ... Listitem does allow children, but option doesn't
   ... Listime maps to <li> and option to <option>



   JD: Here is a link as what already happens in webkit (see

   <Stefan> +q

   JD: There is code that explicitly exposes the children of a
   ... If we make this change in the spec, then we are saying
   webkit is doing the wrong thing.
   ... Same as on my platform.
   ... It could be that JAWS doesn't tell you they are there.

   BG: I understand that, but the spec says it is not a composite
   ... How much are we putting on the user agent by such a change?

   SS: The children need not be reached because they are not
   keyboard focusable.
   ... If there are keystrokes that invokes their function, it
   doesn't need focus.

   <Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to mention user vs author
   disconnect? and to ask priority of 1.1 vs 2.0 and to propose

   SS: The question is what do screen readers do when they
   encounter these inner pieces.

   MC: I think we do not have consensus.
   ... There might be different understanding between users and
   ... We need to do more education.
   ... I'm still trying to find a way to go ahead with pseudo last
   call draft with no one uncomfortable with what's in it.

   MK: There were eight roles in the CfC.
   ... You can go forward with five of them.

   MC: How about an editorial note on the remaining three?
   ... This is meant to be a "last all working draft", and that
   can be changed.
   ... Especially with an editorial note that flags that things
   may change.
   ... Is that acceptable?
   ... And maybe a wiki page?

   BG: If we make role option composite, it is going to break

   MK: I'm comfortable with an editorial note.

   <jemmaKu> I agree with Michale's suggestion - recording all the
   different opinioins and keep track of those discussion

   MC: I'm not proposing making option composite. That's too big a

   <Zakim> joanie, you wanted to say that I'm ok with it if
   MichaelC puts an explicit statement in the "We especially want
   feedback on" section

   JD: Basically what I typed above is it.
   ... Add that we want feedback on these editorial notes.

   MC: Yes, I would do that.
   ... Is that acceptable — the editorial notes?

   <jemmaKu> I can live with "editorial notes"


   <mck> +1

   <joanie> +1

   <fesch> +1

   <jemmaKu> +1

   <jamesn> option, treeitem, spinbutton

   MC: what are the three rols?

   BG, MK: option, treeitem ,and spinbutton

   SS: I'm not against this definition for ARIA 1.1. That's okay.
   ... We need to address this in 2.0

   MC: I think there is a 2.0 issue in tracker.

   proposed: Add edtiorial note to option, treeitem, and
   spinbutton roles that their children are presentational is

   RESOLUTION Add edtiorial note to option, treeitem, and
   spinbutton roles that their "children are presentational"
   status is provisional

   RESOLUTION: Add editorial note to option, treeitem, and
   spinbutton roles that their "children are presentational"
   status is provisional

   MC: I can't find a 2.0 issue. Can Matt or Stefan file one?

   MK: I can...

   MC: Do roles like spinbutton be composite?

   MK: That's one issue…
   ... Another is whether certain roles support interactive

ACTION-2079 and ACTION-2080 Draft ¨host language should¨ language for

   MC: Somehow both Joanie and I got similar actions.
   ... I will rescind mine in favour of Joanie's

   JD: My understanding of how we got duplicate actions.
   ... We need to make to make sure to not have authors to put the
   role where is does not belong.
   ... And we need to make the statement that it is strong, so you
   can't override it.

   MC: Do we need both actions?

   JD: Maybe.

   MC: There was feed back on my action that it needs larger
   ... Joanie has a proposal.

   <joanie> [20]


   <MichaelC> Proposal:



   <trackbot> action-2080 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Draft aria spec
   text limiting the use of role password on editable objects --
   due 2016-06-09 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [22]


   JD: Here is my proposal:

   <joanie> Authors SHOULD limit the use of the password role to

   <joanie> elements which are editable. Authors MAY use the
   password role on

   <joanie> elements which are not currently editable due to

   <joanie> conditions. However, in that instance, authors MUST
   indicate that the

   <joanie> element is read only by setting aria-readonly to true
   or using the

   <joanie> appropriate native host language attribute. User
   agents MUST ignore the

   <joanie> password role when it is applied to elements which are
   neither editable

   <joanie> nor explicitly marked as read only.

   <jemmaKu> +1

   JD: Rich asked what the use case for a read-only password.
   ... An admin dialog to reset the password, when the user is not
   an admin.

   <JF> if the private +1 came from me, it was intended to be

   JD: James suggested a mutli-line password (?)
   ... I don't think that's a real password but in any case, it is
   a SHOULD, not a MUST.

   MC: I support Joanies text.


   <fesch> +1

   <JF> +1

   JF: I sent a private +1 to Joanie. Now it is public

   <jamesn> +1

   RESOLUTION: Accept Joanie's proposal on action2080

   MC: Now let's address my action


   <trackbot> action-2079 -- Michael Cooper to Draft ¨host
   language should¨ language for password that they should
   restrict elements it can apply to, with input from minutes of 2
   june 2016 meeting -- due 2016-06-09 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [23]


   <MichaelC> Proposal:


   MC: <Reads his changes>

   <MichaelC> Using the <code>password</code> role on elements
   that would not accept passwords could create a security risk in
   conforming user agents, prompting users to enter a password in
   an inappropriate place where it could be accidentally exposed.
   Therefore, host languages SHOULD restrict use of the
   <code>password</code> role to elements that accept text input
   from users, and only when within a form submission context.

   MC: There were some comments
   ... John suggested some edits.
   ... James did not support the form submission context.
   ... Joanie agreed with James, as did Rich (?)
   ... James pointed out there is no such restriction on input
   ... John, you don't agree?

   JF: I'm not overly concerned with that.
   ... I think if it outside of a form is a strange thing.
   ... It kind of feels like a phishing attack.

   CS: A lot of developers don't use forms anymore. They use
   scripts for submission.

   JF: I'm just trying to keep this in check, but if everyone
   feels this way, I won't fight for it.

   FE: Stuff in things like Angular.js, don't re quire a form

   JN: Exactly.

   JF: I'm not going to die on this hill. I don't care.

   MC: I think there is consensus here then, so remove the form

   JD: I don't have big problems with your statement, but yours is
   not quite in sync with mine.
   ... I'm suggesting host language restrictions, but yours are

   MC: Likely mine needs changes.

   JD: Your's is "host languages need to declare ?"

   MC: So, something like "should restrict password role to…"

   JF: There is only so much we can impose on a host language.
   ... There are instance where authors are creating a form-type
   element, where the role tells AT to echo back the rendered
   ... By definition, it works for something that accepts text
   ... Which isn't a radio button, for example.

   MC: I think the two texts are actually complementary.

   JD: Maybe Michael's action needs another week.

   JF: We need a composite submission.

   JD: Michael's action is that html-aam makes a specific
   statement about input type password.

   MC: My action is providing a hook for that.
   ... It's weird to have a host language restriction in aria

   JF: The host language we are talking about is HTML
   ... What other language?

   MC, JD: SVG

   JF: But, SVG doesn't really have a form input type thingy.

   MC: That was projected to change, but I may be wrong about

   FE: I don't know of any content editable elements in SVG.

   MC: Even if html is the only host language that matters, I want
   my text to be more general.
   ... I'm not sure if you action item covers it Joanie
   ... Could we just add a sentence to what you just read Joanie?

   JD: Sure.
   ... Feel free to add it to my branch.

   MC: Let me write the sentence here.

   <MichaelC> proposed for end of ACTION-2080 proposal: Host
   languages SHOULD document that the password role can only be
   used on elements that have these characteristics.

   <MichaelC> proposed for end of ACTION-2080 proposal: Host
   languages SHOULD document that the password role can only be
   used on elements that are editable and not read only..

   <joanie> +1


   <JF> +1

   FE: we might want to say "not permantly read only"
   ... Joanie pointed out that it might be toggled.

   <MichaelC> proposed for end of ACTION-2080 proposal: Host
   languages SHOULD document that the password role can only be
   used on elements that are editable and not permanently read

   JN: I hate to bring this up, but...
   ... Isn't that the obscuring the password text is toggled, but
   it doesn't change the role.

   CS: There used to be CSS rules for Webkit that could do such
   ... Windows show the plain text for a brief period, but then
   obsures it.

   JN: The way it is written is the screen reader will read what
   is on screen.

   JD: That is what is in the spec.

   JN: How does that work in Cynthia's case?

   CS: I think the screen reader does something different than the
   visual experience.

   <MichaelC> close action-2079

   <trackbot> Closed action-2079.

   MC: We have a friendly amendment. Any objections?

   <fesch> q_

ACTION-2081 Draft wording for editorial note on password

   JN: I have not done this. I have to re-read the comments I got.


   CS: Where does testing get discussed, Michael?

   MC: Jon has sent up a sub group, but he hasn't got back to me.
   ... There is a mailing list as well.

   CS: My guess is we will be working on github, but I'm not sure.

   MC: We may want to split the tests out of the aria repo and
   into a test repo.
   ... We need to discuss this.


   MC: People need to contact me if they want to subscribe to the
   public-aria-test list.

   MK: Should I paste in the new Issues into the minutes.

   <mck> ISSUE-1034: Should spinbutton be a composite role? -
   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Tracker

   <trackbot> Notes added to ISSUE-1034 Should spinbutton be a
   composite role?.

   <mck> [25]


   <mck> ISSUE-1035: Are additional roles or properties needed to
   help authors build interactive list and tree structures with
   complex items? - Accessible Rich

   <trackbot> Notes added to ISSUE-1035 Are additional roles or
   properties needed to help authors build interactive list and
   tree structures with complex items?.

   <mck> [26]




   MC: Meeting is done. We will pick up next week where we left

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [28]Accept action-2039 as proposed.
    2. [29]Add editorial note to option, treeitem, and spinbutton
       roles that their "children are presentational" status is
    3. [30]Accept Joanie's proposal on action2080

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [31]scribe.perl version
    1.144 ([32]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/06/09 18:05:13 $



'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                 - C. Carter -

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 18:10:16 UTC